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  • A hospital plague ward: attendants wearing protective clothing including headmasks and gloves. Watercolour, 1915/1935 (?).
  • Mosquito headnet and long protective gloves modelled by a man posed in front of a wall. Photograph, 1900/1920.
  • The anti-malaria school, Nettuno, Italy: a man wearing face-protection and gloves to protect against mosquitos. Photograph, 1918/1937 (?).
  • The anti-malaria school, Nettuno, Italy: a man wearing face-protection and gloves to protect against mosquitos. Photograph, 1918/1937 (?).
  • A bandaged foot, a man holding a pair of work boots, a patient in a hospital bed, a skateboard and helmet, and a gloved hand holding an extended condom; an advertisement for protection against AIDS by the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A worker in construction or in heavy manufacturing industry looking favourably at items of protective clothing; advertising the use of protective clothing in heavy industry. Colour lithograph, 1982.
  • Leprosy: prevention of injury
  • Domestic pet. Dog health checkup
  • Canine health cehck, x-ray procedure
  • World War I: an operation in a light cruiser. Oil painting by Godfrey Jervis Gordon ("Jan Gordon").