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  • Cottage hospitals, general, fever and convalescent : their progress, management and work in Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America : with an alphabetical list of every cottage hospital at present opened : many plans and illustrations including a portrait of Albert Napper / by Henry C. Burdett.
  • Cottage hospitals, general, fever and convalescent : their progress, management and work in Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America : with an alphabetical list of every cottage hospital at present opened : many plans and illustrations including a portrait of Albert Napper / by Henry C. Burdett.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • Children walking up a grassy knoll in the open air, taking healthy exercise. Colour lithograph after F. L. Mora. 1918.
  • North and Central America: map. Coloured engraving, 1862.
  • Rev. Pat Robertson converses with Vice-President Dan Quayle with numerous speech bubbles; a protest against their policies including those relating to AIDS. Lithograph.
  • A barber dressing a man's hair in a barber's shop at Richmond, Virginia; another man reads 'The New York Herald' while he awaits his turn. Wood engraving after E. Crowe.
  • A naked black woman leans back holding a condom behind her back; a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Trinidad & Tobago. Lithograph by Jeffrey Chock, ca. 1995.
  • A naked black man hides a condom behind his back as he sits with his female partner; a safe-sex advertisement by the National AIDS Programme of Trinidad & Tobago. Lithograph by Jeffrey Chock, ca. 1995.
  • Complete skeleton of a Harris' hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)