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  • Furnace used in processing arsenic. Etching.
  • Manufacture of arsenic. Valentini, Museum museorum.
  • Diagram of products of arsenic used in chemotherapy.
  • A patient suffering adverse effects of arsenic treatment. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • A patient suffering adverse effects of arsenic treatment. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1850.
  • An unscrupulous chemist selling a child arsenic and laudanum. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
  • Furnace used in the processing of arsenic. Etching by Bénard after L.J. Goussier.
  • A chemist gives a demonstration involving arsenic to an audience. Coloured lithograph by H. Daumier, 1841.
  • This month (April) you should abstain from hemlock, henbane, deadly mandrake, arsenic sublimate, etc., for most physicians agree that all these plants are more or less unwholesome ...
  • Death as a lethal confectioner making up sweets using arsenic and plaster of Paris as ingredients; representing the toxic adulteration of sweets in the 1858 Bradford sweets poisoning. Wood engraving after J. Leech, 1858.