125 results filtered with: Weight loss
- Ephemera
AppleSlim : so simple, so slim with AppleSlim / Bional.
Date: [2004]- Ephemera
For them and many others it's a life change! : what if it could be you next? / Kilburn Wellness Centre.
Date: [2011]- Ephemera
- Online
Bio-Light : the 3-day detox diet : lose weight, look good, feel great / Bioconcepts.
Bioconcepts Ltd.Date: [1992?]- Ephemera
There's only one thing between your appetite : you and a perfect body... : Inhibitol isn't a miracle, just a scientific breakthrough! / Pep Products, Inc.
Date: [1996]- Books
Woman : pocket weight controller.
Date: [193-?]- Ephemera
Purely Slimming : the new weigh! / Purely Slimming.
Date: [2003]- Pictures
- Online
List of symptoms of HIV infection that lead to AIDS from fever to red or purplish spots on the body; sixth of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
Date: January 1990Reference: 667147i- Ephemera
- Online
Dear guest : the attached survey is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt that has been made in recent years to take the pulse of the British consumer in the context of Nutrition and the links between diet and health... / J.D. da Casa.
Casa, J. D. da.Date: 1978- Ephemera
Bike for your life : how cycling benefits you / Bicycle Association.
Date: [1997?]- Ephemera
- Online
How to handle high blood pressure : this information sheet gives you advice about preventing and reducing high blood pressure / Dairy Council, Doctor Patient Partnership.
Date: 2002- Ephemera
Diet now! : dietary food supplement sensible appetite & weight management plan / Natural Products.
Date: 1992- Ephemera
Weight problems : if you're carrying extra pounds you risk being a health hazard - to yourself! / MediCentre.
Date: [2002]- Ephemera
All at the...video gems health club : coming soon... / Video Gems.
Date: [1992]- Books
Enjoy food : helping families with diabetes shop, cook and eat.
Date: 2019- Ephemera
- Online
Findus lean cuisine... : look good, feel good / Karen Short.
Findus (Firm)Date: 1994- Ephemera
Summer heat and obesity : summer heat, with the outdoor enjoyments which come in its train, is a source of unmixed delight to all whose physical condition is sound.
Date: [1898]- Ephemera
Weight : being overweight - the problems.
Date: 1995- Ephemera
Actislim Ultra : Actislim Ultra is a 100% natural herbal dietary supplement / Actislim.
Date: [2011]- Ephemera
- Online
The Boots Shapers lean team challenge 1992 : get together with three of your friends or work colleagues to form your own slimming group and enter the Boots Shapers lean team challenge '92.
Boots Company.Date: 1992- Ephemera
Amazing weight loss! : guaranteed at Slimming World / Slimming World.
Date: [2010]- Ephemera
Achieve your weight loss goal, or your money back / Tesco.
Date: [2010]- Ephemera
A very warm welcome to... : Purely Slimming / Purely Slimming ; The Bodyshop at Home.
Date: [2002]- Ephemera
Practical guidelines for healthy slimming : balancing diet and exercise / National Dairy Council.
Date: [1992]- Ephemera
We are pleased to announce the opening of our new studio : our 8 toning tables are the easy way to slim, tone up and feel great!!! / Inches.
Date: [1992]- Ephemera
Sunday Express 14-day spring-cleaning diet : this Sunday Express diet is based on a 'little-and-often' principle, so that you don't get too hungry, and is divided into three parts.
Date: [between 1940 and 1949]