1,415 results filtered with: Vaccination
- Ephemera
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L'hépatite B et les gays : pourquoi se faire vacciner?.
Date: [between 2000 and 2014?]- Pictures
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Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail against Tapp, who resists the new discovery. Line engraving, c. 1800.
Date: 1800Reference: 16128i- Books
Réflexions historiques et critiques sur les dangers de la variole naturelle : sur les différentes méthodes de traitement, sur les avantages de l'inoculation et les succès de la vaccine pour l'extinction de la variole / par M. Parfait.
Parfait, J.Date: An. XIII [1805]- Books
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Sunday Times and Sunday Special, March 5, 1911 : vaccination.
Sunday times (London, England : 1931)Date: [1911]- Books
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De la vaccine et de ses effets.
Barrey, Claude Antoine, 1771-1837.Date: 1808- Books
Report from the Select Committee on the Vaccination Act (1867) : together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on Vaccination Act (1867)Date: [1871?]- Books
The vaccination question in the light of modern experience : an appeal for reconsideration / by C. Killick Millard.
Millard, C. Killick.Date: 1914- Ephemera
Prevention of influenza : warning ; the person attacked by INFLUENZA who does not take precautions runs grave risks himself and may be a source of danger to others.
Date: [1919?]- Books
Protecting the world's children : immunisation policies and practices / edited by Sidsel Roalkvam, Desmond McNeill, Stuart Blume.
Date: 2013- Books
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Die Kuhpocken-Impfung; eine Beantwortung der vom General Board of Health in London aufgestellten Fragen.
Friedinger, Carl.Date: 1857- Books
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Notes on vaccination : essay LV / by William Sharp.
Date: 1889- Books
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Annual statistical returns and short notes on vaccination in Bihar and Orissa.
Bihar and Orissa (India)Date: [1922]- Books
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Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de variolis inserendis ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus St Clare.
St Clare, William.Date: 1780- Books
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Vaccination considered in relation to the public health : with inquiries and suggestions thereon. A letter addressed to the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Morpeth, First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Woods & Forests. / By John Marshall.
Marshall, John, 1818-1891.Date: MDCCCXLVII- Ephemera
Oversize ephemera. EPH+30.
- Books
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Specification of James Arnold : instrument for vaccinating.
Arnold, James.Date: 1873- Books
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The truth about vaccination : an examination and refutation of the assertions of the anti-vaccinators.
Hart, Ernest, 1835-1898.Date: 1880- Books
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Circolare delegazione apostolica di Perugia : Div. I Sez. III / Commissione Provinciale di Vaccinazione ; oggetto provvedimenti in ordine all'inoculazione del vajolo vaccino.
Commissione Provinciale di Vaccinazione (Perugia, Italy)Date: 24. Settembre 1822- Books
- Online
Recherches historiques et médicales sur la vaccine / par H. M. Husson ; seconde édition, augmentée d'observations pratiques, et de nouvelles expériences.
Husson, M. (Henri Marie), 1772-1853.Date: AN IX (1801)- Ephemera
Dear doctor : the joint committee on vaccination and immunisation has recently reviewed the schedules of immunisation ... / G.E. Godber.
Godber, George E. (George Edward), Sir.Date: 1968- Books
- Online
Práctica moderna de la inoculación, con varias observaciones y reflexiones fundadas en ella, precedidas de un discurso sobre la ultilidad de esta operación y un compendio histórico de su origen, y de su estado actual, particularmente en España. Con un catálogo de algunos inoculados / por Timoteo O'Scanlan.
O'Scanlan, Timoteo, 1726-Date: 1784- Books
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Report of a committee appointed by the Sanitary Commission to prepare a paper on the value of vaccination in armies.
Date: 1861- Books
A prospect of exterminating the small pox. Part II, being a continuation of a narrative of facts concerning the progress of the new inoculation in America; together with practical observations on the local appearance, symptoms, and mode of treating the variola vaccina, or kine pock; including some letters to the author, from distinguished characters, on the subjects of this benign remedy, now passing with a rapid step through all ranks of society in Europe and America / By Benjamin Waterhouse.
Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846.Date: 1802. Published according to act of Congress- Books
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Reasons why the vaccination law should not be repealed : a consideration of some of the arguments of the anti-vaccinationists / published by the Committee on Vaccination Connecticut State Medical Society.
Connecticut State Medical Society.Date: 1907- Books
- Online
As inoculações syphiliticas e vaccino-syphiliticas : sua prevenção, diagnostico e tratamento / pelo sr. Henrique Lee ; traduzido da segunda edição com licença do auctor pelo dr. J.A. Marques. Primeira parte.
Lee, Henry, 1817-1898.Date: 1863