18 results filtered with: Syncope
- Archives and manuscripts
Cardiac and circulatory subjects (4th series)
Date: 1916-1944Reference: PP/FPW/B.55/4Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Archives and manuscripts
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard (1877-1947), Forensic Pathologist
Spilsbury, BernardDate: c.1880s-c.1950sReference: PP/SPI- Books
- Online
The common origin and nature of 'blind spells,' petit mal, faintings, swoonings, coma, 'pseudo-epilepsy,' epilepsy, 'migraine,' etc. / by George M. Gould.
Gould, George Milbrey, 1848-1922.Date: 1907- Books
- Online
Die Ohnmacht bei der Geburt vom gerichtsärztlichen Standpunkt : eine Abhandlung für Aerzte und praktische Juristen / von Moritz Freyer.
Freyer Moritz.Date: 1887- Archives and manuscripts
Venesection for acute and chronic conditions: polycythaemia, distention of right heart, high blood pressure etc
Date: 1927-1942Reference: PP/FPW/B.358Part of: Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)- Books
Disrepute / by Thomas Ferrier.
Ferrier, ThomDate: [2010]- Books
Cough syncope / by Vincent J. Derbes and Andrew Kerr, Jr.
Derbes, Vincent J., 1912-Date: [1955], ©1955- Archives and manuscripts
Lectures on "Neuroses"
Date: c. 1780Reference: MS.MSL.21- Books
- Online
Dissertatio medica, inauguralis, de syncope / Jacobus Hare.
Hare James.Date: 1782- Books
Die synkopalen Anfälle / von Walter Schulte.
Schulte, Walter.Date: 1949- Books
Asphyxia, apnoea, and syncope of the lesser circulation / [Benjamin Ward Richardson].
Richardson, Benjamin Ward, 1828-1896.Date: 1890- Books
- Online
Laryngeal vertigo / by Frederick I. Knight.
Knight, Frederick I. (Frederick Irving), 1841-1909.Date: 1886- Books
- Online
Étude clinique sur le pouls lent permanent avec attaques syncopales et épileptiformes : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 20 mai 1879, à 2 heures / par Amédée-René Blondeau ; président de la thèse M. Charcot ; juges MM. Brouardel, Rigal et Humbert.
Blondeau, Amédée-René, 1848-Date: 1879- Books
Fainting / by George L. Engel.
Engel, George L. (George Libman), 1913-1999.Date: [1962], ©1962- Books
On certain positions of the head as a cause of syncope / by J. Smith.
Smith, J.Date: 1865- Books
- Online
Dissertatio inauguralis medica de animi deliquio et asphyxia : quam consensu et auctoritate magnifici domini praesidis et directoris spectabilis domini decani nec non clarissimorum dd. professorum pro obtinendo in Regia Scient. Univ. Hungarica medicinae doctoris gradu / conscripsit Franciscus Cziegler.
Cziegler, Franciscus.Date: [1841]- Books
- Online
The borderland of epilepsy : faints, vagal attacks, vertigo, migraine, sleep symptoms and their treatment.
Gowers, W. R. (William Richard), 1845-1915.Date: 1907- Archives and manuscripts
E. P. Sharpey-Schafer: "Fainting and Syncope"
Sharpey-Schafer, Edward Peter, 1908-1963.Date: 1951-1998Reference: MS.8429