262 results filtered with: Suicide
- Archives and manuscripts
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard (1877-1947), Forensic Pathologist
Spilsbury, BernardDate: c.1880s-c.1950sReference: PP/SPI- Books
Cases of suicidal poisoning with arsenic / by Robert Paterson.
Paterson, Robert, 1814-1889.Date: 1857- Books
- Online
The anatomy of suicide / by Forbes Winslow.
Winslow, Forbes, 1810-1874.Date: 1840- Pictures
- Online
An episode in Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens: a crowd gathers around Mr Mantalini who has attempted to poison himself. Etching after Phiz (Hablot K. Browne).
Browne, Hablot Knight, 1815-1882.Date: [1839]Reference: 43002i- Books
- Online
De l'hypochondrie et du suicide : Considerations sur les causes, sur le siege et le traitement de ces maladies, sur les moyens d'en arreter les progres et d'en prevenir le developpement.
Falret, M. (Jean Pierre), 1794-1870.Date: 1822- Pictures
- Online
The suicide of Cleopatra: Cleopatra holding the asp in her left hand. Stipple engraving by Sherwin after G.B. Cipriani.
Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, 1727-1785.Date: 1700-1799Reference: 42940i- Books
On suicide / Émile Durkheim ; translated by Robin Buss ; with an introduction by Richard Sennett ; and notes by Alexander Riley.
Durkheim, Émile, 1858-1917.Date: 2006- Books
Suicide in alcoholism / George E. Murphy.
Murphy, George E. (George Earl), 1922-Date: 1992- Books
Final exit : the practicalities of self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying / Derek Humphry.
Humphry, Derek, 1930-Date: 2002- Books
Attempted suicide: its social significance and effects / by Erwin E. Stengel and Nancy G. Cook, with the assistance of I.S. Kreeger.
Stengel, Erwin.Date: 1958- Ephemera
Suicide of the great enamelist : we have just received the important news at our office, from reliable quarters, that the great Beautifier has committed suicide by strangulation, while in her cell in prison.
Date: [ebtween 1830 and 1850?]- Pictures
- Online
Seneca preparing his own death: he begs his wife to temper her grief. Etching by J.F.P. Peyron, ca. 1773.
Peyron, Pierre, 1744-1814.Date: 1773Reference: 43723i- Pictures
Actors as Kasugaya Tokijiro (right) and Yamanaya Urasato (left): a pair of ill-fated lovers set upon killing themselves in a love pact. Colour woodcut by Kunisada I, 1847-1853.
Utagawa, Kunisada, 1786-1864.Date: 1847-1852Reference: 35964i- Books
Suicides / Jean Baechler ; translated from the French by Barry Cooper ; with a foreword by Raymond Aron.
Baechler, Jean.Date: 1979- Books
De l'hypochondrie et du suicide. Considérations sur les causes, sur le siège et le traitement de ces maladies, sur les moyens d'en arrêter les progrès et d'en prévenir le développement / Par J.P. Falret.
Falret, M. (Jean Pierre), 1794-1870.Date: 1822- Books
Culpability / by Thom Ferrier.
Ferrier, ThomDate: 2011- Books
- Online
Der Selbstmord : eine kritische Studie / von Eugen Rehfisch.
Rehfisch, Eugen, 1862-Date: 1893- Books
Messer, Kugel, Schlinge, Gift : die Pathologie auf den Spuren der Verbrecher / Hans Bankl ; Illustrationen von Josef Koo.
Bankl, Hans.Date: 2007- Books
The savage god : a study of suicide / A. Alvarez.
Alvarez, A. (Alfred), 1929-2019.Date: 1972- Books
Years of the elephant / Willy Linthout ; with assistance from Theo Linthout ; translation, Michiel Horn ; poetry by Theo Linthout translated by Serge Baeken.
Linthout, Willy, 1953-Date: [2009]- Pictures
- Online
A distressed young lady is sitting near a river, contemplating suicide. Engraving with etching.
Reference: 42997i- Pictures
A rectangular stick figure standing and seated at a table with a pistol above, contemplating suicide. Drawing by C. Caton, 1967.
Caton, Christopher, active approximately 1967.Date: 23.10.67 [23 October 1967]Reference: 2921389iPart of: Adamson Collection- Pictures
Stick figures including two rectangular heads of men wearing hats, contemplating suicide. Drawing by C. Caton, 1967.
Caton, Christopher, active approximately 1967.Date: 13.10.67 [13 October 1967]Reference: 2921376iPart of: Adamson Collection- Books
Suicide and depression among drug abusers / Margaret Allison, Robert L. Hubbard, Harold M. Ginzburg.
Allison, Margaret, B.A.Date: 1985- Books
Suicide and attempted suicide in young people : report on a conference.
Conference on Suicide and Attempted Suicide in Young People (1974 : Luxembourg)Date: 1976