253 results filtered with: Prejudice
- Books
Tackling HIV discrimination at work / TUC, National AIDS Trust.
Date: 2007- Ephemera
Being different isn't a crime... domestic abuse is / Metropolitan Police.
Date: [2005?]- Ephemera
Self reporting form / Metropolitan Police.
Date: [2005?]- Books
Lesbians are dying out : a comic about transphobia / by Kay Hyatt.
Hyatt, KayDate: [2018]- Books
Inequity and madness : psychosocial and human rights issues / José Guimón.
Guimón, J.Date: [2001], ©2001- Ephemera
Diabetes campaigners network / Diabetes UK.
Date: 2002- Books
Policing desire : pornography, AIDS, and the media / Simon Watney.
Watney, Simon.Date: 1997- Books
The negro's share : a study of income, consumption, housing and public assistance / Richard Sterner ; in collaboration with Lenore A. Epstein, Ellen Winston [and others].
Sterner, Richard, 1901-1978.Date: [1943]- Ephemera
Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not a crime... : hate crime is / True Vision.
Date: 2005- Ephemera
- Online
The cruel scene : this was his story but not as he wanted it to be told / Pride and prejudice was created by HIV positive gay and bisexual men from Juice and "Positive Voice", with assistance from Gay Men's Health, Waverley Care Trust and funded by Health Gay Scotland ; photographic work led by Rebecca Marr, design & internet consultant Design Resource Ltd.
Date: [between 1990 and 1997?]- Ephemera
- Online
World AIDS Day : 1st December 1994 : the red ribbon : symbol of AIDS awareness, wear a red ribbon to show your commitment to the fight against AIDS / produced by the National AIDS Trust with the support of the Health Education Authority ... in support of WAD94.
Date: 1994- Ephemera
- Online
Killer virus from outer space : be afraid, very afraid.. of the virus, not the man / Pride and prejudice was created by HIV positive gay and bisexual men from Juice and "Positive Voice", with assistance from Gay Men's Health, Waverley Care Trust and funded by Health Gay Scotland ; photographic work led by Rebecca Marr, design & internet consultant Design Resource Ltd.
Date: [between 1990 and 1997?]- Books
- Online
A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to restrict employers in obtaining, disclosing, and using of genetic information.
United States. Congress 1997-1998). House.Date: [1997]- Ephemera
- Online
If someone tells you he's +ve does it change the way you feel about him? / Gay Men Fighting AIDS, Crusaid.
Date: Gay Men Fighting AIDS :- Books
Unhealthy societies : the afflictions of inequality / Richard Wilkinson.
Wilkinson, Richard G.Date: 1996- Books
Equal opportunities for lesbians and gay men : guidelines to good practice in employment / Lesbian and Gay Employment Rights.
Date: [1993]- Books
Women look at biology looking at women : a collection of feminist critiques / edited by Ruth Hubbard, Mary Sue Henifin, and Barbara Fried ; with the collaboration of Vicki Druss and Susan Leigh Star.
Date: [1979], ©1979- Books
You're wrong : trans polemics / C. Bain.
Bain, C. (Artist)Date: 2021- Books
Speak out : homophobic violence and abuse are crimes / Southwark Council, Metropolitan Police Service, GALOP.
Date: [2000?]- Ephemera
- Online
World AIDS Day : 1st December 1994 / produced by the National AIDS Trust with the support of the Health Education Authority.
Date: 1994- Ephemera
Diabetes campaigners network / Diabetes UK.
Date: 2002- Books
Biological woman--the convenient myth : a collection of feminist essays and a comprehensive bibliography / edited by Ruth Hubbard, Mary Sue Henifin, and Barbara Fried.
Date: [1982], ©1982- Books
Rape culture and ableism / Slutwalk Chicago.
Slutwalk ChicagoDate: [20-?]- Ephemera
Bruised beaten pushed licked bullied ignored insulted violated abused murdered : enough is enough / The Lesbian & Gay Foundation.
Date: 2010- Ephemera
- Online
Respect & protect : together we can stop the spread of HIV / NAT.
Date: 2008