225 results filtered with: Opium
- Books
Opiologia; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Opiums und seiner Wirkstoffe / [Otto Zekert].
Zekert, Otto, 1893-1968.Date: [1956]- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de opio quaedam complectens / [Edward Harrison].
Harrison, Edward, 1759-1838.Date: 1784- Books
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A philosophical and statistical history of the inventions and customes of ancient and modern nations in the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors : with the present practice of distillation in all its varieties: together with an extensive illustration of the consumption and effects of opium, and other stimulants used in the East, as substitutes for wine and spirits / By Samuel Morewood.
Morewood, Samuel.Date: 1838- Books
Chemistry of the opium alkaloids / by Lyndon F. Small, assisted by Robert E. Lutz ; prepared by direction of the surgeon general.
Small, Lyndon F. (Lyndon Frederick), 1897-1957.Date: 1932- Books
Opiate addiction : origins and treatment / edited by Seymour Fisher and Alfred M. Freedman.
Date: 1973 [©1974]- Books
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Formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remedies : namely, morphine, iodine, quinine ... / with an introduction, and copious notes, by the late Charles Thomas Haden ; translated from the French of the third edition of Magendie's "Formulaire."
Magendie, François, 1783-1855.Date: 1824- Books
Opinions of over 100 physicians on the use of opium in China / complied by William Hector Park.
Date: 1899- Books
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These que em novembre de 1865 deve sustentar perante á Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia para obter o grau de doutor em medicina / Emilio Teixeira Santos Imbassahy.
Imbassahy, Emilio Teixeira Santos.Date: 1865- Books
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Despatches from Sir A. Hosie forwarding reports respecting the opium question in China.
Hosie, Alexander, Sir, 1853-1925.Date: [1911]- Pictures
Ascetics preparing and smoking opium outside a rural dwelling in India. Gouache painting by Kavala, 18--.
Kavala.Date: [between 1800 and 1899?]Reference: 12002i- Books
Opium poppy cultivation / by "O".
ODate: [1979]- Books
Advice to opium eaters, with a detail of the effects of that drug upon the human frame, and a minute description of the sensations of a person who has been in the habit of taking opium ... / Written by himself ; to which are subjoined full directions which will enable every opium-eater entirely to conquer that injurious habit.
Date: 1823- Books
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The Strand Magazine : an illustrated monthly. Vol. 1, no. 6, June 1891 / edited by George Newnes.
Date: 1891- Books
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Use of opium and traffic therein : Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the report of the committee appointed by the Philippine Commission to investigate the use of opium and the traffic therein, and the rules, ordinances, and laws regulating such use and traffic in Japan, Formosa, Shanghai, Hongkong, Saigon, Singapore, Burma, Java, and the Philippine Islands, and inclosing a letter from the Secretary of War.
United States. Philippine Commission (1899-1900). Opium Investigation Committee.Date: 1906- Books
Collected contributions on digestion and diet : with an appendix on the opium habit in India / by Sir William Roberts.
Roberts, William, Sir, 1830-1899.Date: 1897- Books
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An inaugural dissertation on opium embracing its history, chemical analysis and use and abuse as a medicine / / by William G. Smith.
Smith, William G., active 1832.Date: April 2, 1832- Books
The trail of opium : the eleventh plague / Margaret Goldsmith.
Goldsmith, Margaret L. (Margaret Leland), 1894-1971.Date: 1939- Books
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La Chine : son histoire, ses ressources / Louis Strauss.
Strauss, Louis.Date: 1874- Books
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Opium eating : an autobiographical sketch / by an habituate.
Date: 1876- Archives and manuscripts
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard (1877-1947), Forensic Pathologist
Spilsbury, BernardDate: c.1880s-c.1950sReference: PP/SPI- Books
- Online
Doctor Judas : a portrayal of the opium habit / by William Rosser Cobbe.
Cobbe, William Rosser, -1907.Date: 1895- Books
Assam congress opium enquiry report : September, 1925.
Assam Opium Enquiry Committee.Date: [1925]- Books
Opium : its physical, moral and social effects / by Patrick Hehir.
Hehir, Patrick, Sir, 1859-1937.Date: [1894]- Books
- Online
Observations on the dropsy in the brain / by Robert Whytt ... ; to which are added his other treatises never hitherto published by themselves.
Whytt, Robert, 1714-1766.Date: 1768- Books
- Online
Formulary for the preparation and mode of employing several new remedies : namely, morphine, iodine, quinine, cinchonine, the hydrocyanic acid, narcotine, strychnine, nux vomica, emetine, atropine, picrotoxine, brucine, lupuline, &c. &c. / with an introduction and copious notes by the late Charles Thomas Haden, esq. ; translated from the French of the third edition of Magendil's 'Formulaire'.
Magendie, Francois, 1783-1855.Date: 1824