26 results filtered with: Meteoroids
- Archives and manuscripts
Collectanea: Science I. Eleven short works. Mostly Authors' holograph MSS
Date: 1771-1876Reference: MS.1726- Books
The age of two-faced Janus : the comets of 1577 and 1618 and the decline of the Aristotelian world view in the Netherlands / by Tabitta van Nouhuys.
Nouhuys, Tabitta van.Date: 1998- Archives and manuscripts
Torporley, Nathaniel (1564-1632)
Torporley, Nathaniel, 1564-1632Date: mid-19th centuryReference: MS.4818- Books
- Online
An account of a surprizing meteor, seen in the air, March the 6th, 1715/16, at night. Containing, I. A description of this meteor, from the author's own observations. II. Some historical accounts of the like meteors before; with extracts from such letters, and accounts of this, as the author has receiv'd. III. The principal phænomena of this meteor. IV. Conjectures for their solution. V. Reasons why our solutions are so imperfect. VI. Inferences and observations from the premises / By William Whiston, M. A.
Whiston, William, 1667-1752.Date: 1716- Books
The world and other writings / René Descartes ; translated and edited by Stephen Gaukroger.
Descartes, René, 1596-1650.Date: 1998- Books
Latin treatises on comets between 1238 and 1368 A.D. / edited by Lynn Thorndike.
Date: [1950]- Books
Cometomantia. A discourse of comets: shewing their original substance, place, time, magnitude, motion, number, colour, figure, kinds, names, and, more especially, their prognosticks, significations and presages / Being a brief resolution of a seasonable query, viz. Whether the apparition of comets be the sign of approaching evil? Where also is inserted an essay of judiciary astrology, giving satisfaction to this grand question, whether any certain judgments and predictions concerning future events, can be made from the observation of the heavenly bodies? Both occasioned by the appearance of the late comets in England and other places. [Anon. By J.E.?].
Date: 1684- Archives and manuscripts
Rocca, Giovanni Battista de (1653- )
Rocca, Giovanni Battista de, b.1653Date: 1698Reference: MS.4232- Archives and manuscripts
Miers, John (1789-1879)
Date: 1816Reference: MS.3545- Books
- Online
Résumé du programme de l'Université de Christiania pour le 1er semestre 1861 : introduction / par C. Fearnley.
Fearnley, Carl Frederik, 1818-1890.Date: [1861]- Books
- Online
The story of the comets simply told for general readers / by George F. Chambers.
Chambers, George F. (George Frederick), 1841-1915.Date: 1909- Archives and manuscripts
Miscellanea III
Date: c. 1655-1696Reference: MS.3553- Books
Lettre à M. L. A. D. C. Docteur de Sorbonne. Où il est prouvé par plusieurs raisons tirées de la philosophie, et de la theologie, que les cometes ne sont point le presage d'aucun malheur ... / [Pierre Bayle].
Bayle, Pierre, 1647-1706.Date: 1682- Archives and manuscripts
Folkes, Martin (1690-1754)
Folkes, Martin, 1690-1754.Date: 1745-1748Reference: MSS.1302, 2391-2392 & 5403- Archives and manuscripts
Avellar, Bento Jozé De
Avellar, Bento Jozé DeDate: 1798Reference: MS.1025- Books
- Online
An account of the discoveries concerning comets, with the way to find their orbits, and some improvements in constructing and calculating their places. For which reason are here added new tables, fitted to those purposes; particularly with regard to that comet which is soon expected to return / [Thomas Barker].
Barker, Thomas, 1722-1809.Date: 1757- Books
- Online
Om kometbanernes indbyrdes beliggenhed : besvarelse af Universitetets prisopgave for 1860 / af H. Mohn ; efter det akademiske collegiums foranstaltning udgivet og ledsaget med en indledning af C. Fearnley.
Mohn, Henrik, 1835-1916.Date: 1861- Books
- Online
Natures secrets. Or, the admirable and wonderful history of the generation of meteors. And blazing-stars. Particularly describing the temperatures and qualities of the four elements; the heights, magnitudes, and influences of the fixt and wandring stars. Shewing the efficient and final causes of comets, earthquakes, blazing-stars, deluges, epidemical diseases, and prodiges of precedent times; their presages of a weather-glass / Rendred plain and useful both for sea and land, by the industry and observation of Tho. Wilsford, gent.
Willsford, Thomas.Date: 1665- Books
L'arte di rendere i fiumi navigabili in varii modi, con altre nuove inventioni, e varii altri segreti divisa in tre parti con tre tavole in lingua latina, francese, e ollandese ... / Date al publico dall' ingegniero Cornelio Meyer.
Meijer, Cornelis, 1629-1701.Date: 1696- Books
- Online
Natures secrets. Or, the admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors ... / By the industry and observations of Thomas Willsford.
Willsford, Thomas.Date: 1658- Books
- Online
Meteors; or, a plain description of all kind of meteors, as well fiery and ayrie, as watry and earthy. Briefly manifesting the causes of all blazing-stars, shooting-stars, flames in the aire, thunder, lightning, earthquakes, rain, dew, snow, clouds, springs, stones, and metalls / By W[illiam] F[ulke] Doctor in Divinity.
Fulke, William, 1538-1589.Date: 1670- Books
- Online
The astronomy of comets. In two parts ... / by Blyth Hancock.
Hancock, Blith.Date: 1786- Books
Secreti astrologici celesti, et terrestri motivati dalle comete e suelati alla curiosità de gl'animi virtuosi ... Con molti varii successi, principio, e fine del mondo, origine, nascita, e venuta dell'Antichristo, et altre curiosità filosofiche e meteorologiche / Dda D. Agostino Maccari.
Maccari, Agostino, active 17th century.Date: 1681- Books
- Online
Philosophical essays on the following subjects : I. On the ascent of vapours, the formation of clouds, rain and dew, and on several other phoenomena of air and water, II. Observations and conjectures on the nature of the aurora Borealis, and the tails of comets, III. On the principles of mechanics / Hugh Hamilton.
Hamilton, Hugh, 1729-1805.Date: 1767- Books
Physical science in the time of Nero : being a translation of the Quaestiones naturales of Seneca / by John Clarke ... with notes on the treatise by Sir Archibald Geikie.
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D.Date: 1910