4 results filtered with: Maternal Age
- Books
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The influence of the age of parents on the vitality of their children / by Joseph Korösi.
Kőrösi, József, 1844-1906.Date: 1891- Books
The pregnancy-after-30 workbook : a program for safe childbearing, no matter what your age / edited by Gail Sforza Brewer.
Date: [1978], ©1978- Books
- Online
Étude statistique de l'accouchement chez les primipares âgées à la Clinique obstétricale de Montpellier : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 16 juillet 1906 / par Olga Ianitsky-Radzimovsky.
Ianitsky-Radzimovsky, Olga.Date: 1906- Books
A method of separating the relative aetiological effects of birth order and maternal age, with special reference to mongolian imbecility / by L.S. Penrose.
Penrose, L. S. (Lionel Sharples)Date: 1934