960 results filtered with: Health
- Books
Effective living / by C.E. Turner and Elizabeth McHose.
Turner, C. E. (Clair Elsmere), 1890-1974.Date: 1941- Books
- Online
Avis aux gens de lettres et aux personnes sédentaires sur leur santé / Traduit du Latin de M. Tissot.
Tissot, S. A. D. (Samuel Auguste David), 1728-1797Date: 1767- Books
- Online
Notes on health and temperance / by George A. Pirie.
Pirie, George A.Date: 1902- Books
Ārōkkiya vāḻvu / Makātmā Kānti eḻutiyavai ; Tamiḻākkam Ku. Aḻakiricāmi.
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948.Date: 1959- Books
- Online
Essentials of diet, or, Hints on food, in health and disease / by the late E. Harris Ruddock.
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875.Date: 1879- Books
Alcohol : self-help guide / Stockport NHS Primary Care Trust.
Date: [2010?]- Books
- Online
Health through self-control in thinking, breathing, eating / by William Anthony Spinney.
Spinney, William Anthony.Date: [1907, ©1906]- Journals
Journal of the Institute of Hygiene.
- Books
The climatic treatment of children / by Frederick L. Wachenheim.
Wachenheim, Frederick L., 1870-Date: [1907], ©1907- Books
Health + security 2000 : new thinking in Europe : Fifth European Symposium of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, 13-16 September 1990 : programme / organised by Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons, Medical Association for Prevention of War and the Medical Education Trust.
European Symposium of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War 1990 : Coventry, England)Date: 1990- Books
Health and exercise for girls / by Anne M. Robertson.
Robertson, Anne M.Date: 1927- Books
- Online
Common sense, or, the Abernethian code of health and longevity : founded on the principles and practice of John Abernethy.
Date: 1830- Books
Concepts of health and disease : interdisciplinary perspectives / edited by Arthur L. Caplan, H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., James J. McCartney.
Date: 1981- Books
- Online
Pulcherrimum & utilissimũ opus ad sanitatis cõseruationem / æditũ ab eximo artium & medicine professore magistro Benedicto de Nursia ... ; similiter etiam de magistro Tadeo de Florentia De regimine sanitatis secundum quattuor partes anni.
Benedetto, da Norcia.Date: 1477- Books
Low income, food, nutrition, and health : strategies for improvement : a report / by the Low Income Project Team for the Nutrition Task Force.
Date: [1996]- Books
Health & medicines information : guide & directory / [Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry].
Date: 2003- Books
Veterinary medicine and human health / Calvin W. Schwabe.
Schwabe, Calvin W.Date: [1969], ©1969- Books
Libro del cuidado de la salud durante las estaciones del año, o, "Libro de higiene" / de Muḥammad B. ʼAbdallāh B. al-Jaṭīb ; edición, estudio y traducción de María de la Concepción Vázquez de Benito.
Ibn al-Khaṭīb, 1313-1374.Date: 1984- Books
Pūraṇa cukam / Cuvāmi Apētā Nantar avarkaḷ upanniyācam ; Tamiḻ moḻipeyarppu Ē. Cokkaliṅkap Piḷḷai ; itu Lōkōpakāri pattirikaiyilirunteṭuttu Pu. Ku. Kantacāmip Piḷḷai avarkaḷāl piracurikkappaṭṭatu.
Abhedānanda, Swami, 1866-1939.Date: 1916- Journals
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Date: [-1916]- Books
- Online
The catechism of health / selected from the German of Dr. Faust and considerably improved by Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh ; published for the use of the citizens of the United States : at the recommendation of Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia ; and Dr. Williamson, of North-Carolina, now residing in New-York, &c.
Faust, Bernhard Christoph, 1755-1842.Date: 1798- Books
Basic health education / Vincent L. Irwin and Michael Spira.
Irwin, Vincent L.Date: 1977- Books
- Online
Departmental report : 2006 / Department of Health ; presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
Great Britain. Department of Health.Date: 2006- Books
Das Verständnis von Gesundheit und Krankheit in der europäischen Kultur / Dietrich von Engelhardt.
Engelhardt, Dietrich von.Date: 1991- Books
A newe boke of phisicke called ye government of health : wherein be uttred many notable rules for mans preservacion, with sondry simples & other matters, no lesse fruitfull then [sic] profitable: collect out of many approved authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better understanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence / By William Bullein.
Bullein, William, -1576.Date: 1559