390 results filtered with: Dissection
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A short description of the human muscles : chiefly as they appear on dissection : together with their several uses, and the synonyma of the best authors / by John Innes.
Innes, John, 1739-1777.Date: 1807- Digital Images
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Adult sheep (ovine) heart
Michael Frank, Royal Veterinary College- Digital Images
A Plain section of a frozen woman (25 years old) to help identify the position of the different organs of the body.
- Books
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A course of elementary practical physiology / by M. Foster ; assisted by J.N. Langley.
Foster, M. (Michael), Sir, 1836-1907.Date: 1884- Digital Images
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Plate III. The surgical dissection of the thorax and the episternal region. Delegation of the primary aortic branches.
- Books
Regional anatomy / by Richard J.A. Berry.
Berry, Richard J. A. (Richard James Arthur), 1867-1962.Date: 1902- Digital Images
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Metastatic neoplasia of omentum tissue, canine
Michael Frank, Royal Veterinary College- Books
Prećis-atlas des travaux pratiques d'anatomie : dissection, anatomie de surface / par A. Latarjet, avec la collaboration de Ph. Rochet.
Latarjet, A. (André), 1877-1947.Date: 1923-26- Books
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Ellis's demonstrations of anatomy : being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection.
Ellis George Viner, 1812-1900.Date: 1887- Digital Images
[Galvanism experiments]. Plate 6.
- Books
A short treatise on operative surgery, describing the principal operations as they are practised in England and France; designed for the use of students in operating on the dead body / By Charles Averill.
Averill, Charles, approximately 1790-Date: 1825- Books
Lessons in practical anatomy, for the use of dissectors / By W.E. Horner.
Horner, William E. (William Edmonds), 1793-1853.Date: 1827- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012184EB: Photograph of a wax plaque showing various parts of the female anatomy, in particular the kidneys and uterus
Date: 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/108/63Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Archives and manuscripts
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M0012911: Illustration of instruments for dissection
Date: April 1953Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/115/40Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
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The anatomical instructor; or, an illustration of the modern and most approved methods of preparing and preserving the different parts of the human body, and of quadrupeds. By injection, corrosion, maceration, distention, articulation, modelling, &c., with a variety of copper-plates / by Thomas Pole.
Pole, Thomas, 1753-1829.Date: 1813- Books
- Online
Lessons in practical anatomy : for the use of dissectors / by W.E. Horner.
Horner, William E. (William Edmonds), 1793-1853.Date: 1823- Books
De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis, libri quinque. In quibus continentur dissectiones et animadversiones propemodum innumerae, medicis, chirurgis, anatomicis profuturae / J.B. Morgagni.
Morgagni, Giambattista, 1682-1771.Date: 1820-1823- Videos
The beauty of anatomy. 1/5.
Date: 2014- Books
Laboratory manual of the foetal pig / by W.J. Baumgartner.
Baumgartner, W. J. (William Jacob), 1871-Date: [1924], ©1924- Books
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An address on the necessity for investigating the operation of the Anatomy Act : with a detail of proceedings as to an invention for facilitating its administration / by William Roberts.
Roberts, William, Sir, 1830-1899.Date: 1832-1871- Books
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Ellis's demonstrations of anatomy : being a guide to the knowledge of the human body by dissection / by George Viner Ellis.
Ellis, George Viner, 1812-1900.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
Anleitung zu den Präparirübungen und zur Repetition der descriptiven Anatomie des Menschen / von Julius Budge.
Budge, Julius, 1811-1888.Date: 1866- Books
- Online
Physiology in our public schools / By Albert Leffingwell.
Leffingwell, Albert, 1845-1916.Date: [between 1900 and 1999?]- Archives and manuscripts
M0012184EA: Photograph of a wax plaque showing various parts of the female anatomy, in particular the stomach
Date: 1951Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/108/62Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
- Online
Anleitungen zu den Präparierübungen an der menschlichen Leiche / von Georg Ruge.
Ruge Georg, 1852-Date: 1888