117 results filtered with: Death - Early works to 1800
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A discourse of Christian watchfulnesse : Preparing how to liue, how to die, and to be discharged at the day of iudgement, and so enioy life eternall. By Iohn Rogers minister to the Church of Chacombe in Northampton-shiere.
Rogers, John, of ChacombeDate: 1620- Books
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Disce mori : Learne to die : A religious discourse, mouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remembrance of his ende. Wherin also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessary to be thought vpon while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise our selues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1604- Books
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A werke of preparacion, or of ordinaunce vnto communion, or howselyng : The golden pystle, an alphabete or a crosrowe called an .A.B.C. and the werke for housholders with a dayly exercyce and experience of dethe all duely corrected and newly prynted.
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: [1537?]- Books
Discorsi morali dell'eccellente S. Fabio Glissenti contra il dispiacer del morire, detto athanatophilia : diuisi in cinque dialoghi, occorsi in cinque giornate : ne'quali si discorre quanto ragioneuolmente si dourebbe desiderar la Morte, e come naturalmente la si uada fuggendo : con trenta vaghi, & vtili ragionamenti, come tante piaceuoli nouelle interposti : cauati da gli abusi del presente viuer mondano : et vn molto curioso trattato della pietra de' filosofi : adornati di bellissime figure, a' loro luoghi appropriate.
Glissenti, FabioDate: M.D.XCVI [1596]- Books
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A moste fruitfull, pithie, and learned treatyse, how a Christian man ought to behaue himselfe in the danger of death : and how they are to be rele[-]ued and comforted, whose deare freendes are departed out of this world, moste necessarye for this our vnfortunate age and sorrowfull dayes.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1595?]- Books
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The testimony of Abraham Fuller, concerning the death of his son Joseph : Shewing his blessed condition in the time of his sickness, and when he was near his departure: how wonderfully the Lord did appear by his spirit and power, revealing himself in him (after death has seised upon him) in a greater measure then ever before.
Fuller, Abraham, -1694Date: Printed in the year, 1687- Books
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Thanatologia, seu, de morte dissertatio : in quâ, mortis natura, causæ, mobilitas, remoræ & remedia proponuntur: ac variæ de cadavere & animâ separatâ controversiæ enodantur. / Authore Johanne Stearne, medicinæ doctore & professore publico in universitate Dubliniensi.
Stearne, John, 1624-1669Date: MDCLIX. [1659]- Books
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A dialogue between a blind man and death.
Standfast, Richard, 1608?-1684Date: [1700?]- Books
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Manchester al mondo : Comtemplatio mortis, et immortalitatis. A contemplation of death and immortality.
Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642Date: 1661- Books
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Christs voice to London : And The great day of Gods wrath. : Being the substance of II. sermons preached (in the city) in the time of the sad visitation. Together with the necessity of watching and praying. With a small treatise of death. / By William Dyer.
Dyer, William, -1696Date: 1666- Books
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Deaths knell, or the sicke mans passing bell : summoning all sicke consciences to prepare themselues for the comming of the great day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them. Fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem. Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1629- Books
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Of death a true description : and against it a good preparation: together with a sweet consolation, for the suruiung mourners. By Iames Cole merchant.
Cole, JamesDate: 1629- Books
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Manchester al mondo : Comtemplatio mortis & immortalitatis.
Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642Date: 1642- Books
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The Dying man's assistant, or, Short instructions for those who are concern'd in the preparing of sick persons for death : being also no less worthy the consideration of all good Christians in time of health, as shewing the importance of an early preparation for their latter end, with regard as well to their temporal, as eternal state.
Date: 1697- Books
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A ready way to prevent svdden death : being a brief and true relation of many sad misfortunes which have happened unto men, women, and children both in the citie of London, and in divers parts of the nation of England, which came through negligence, wilfulnesse, hardnesse of heart, presumption and carelesnesse. This was written and printed to the end that all people whatsoever that read or hear this little booke read, may learn to beware and prevent danger of sudden death before it comes upon them. Reader peruse this little book, and heedfully upon it look; it may preserve thy soul from strife, and through Gods blessing save thy life. / This book was written by Laurence Price, this present year 1655.
L. P. (Laurence Price), active 1625-1680?Date: 1655- Books
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To the memory of Thomas Heneage Esquire : An expostulation with death.
Date: 1642- Books
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Disce mori : Learne to die. : A religious discourse, mouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remembrance of his end. : Wherein also is contained the mean and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessary to be thought vpon while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise ourselues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1607:- Books
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The great concern: or, A serious warning to a timely and thorough preparation for death : with helps and directions in order thereunto. By Edward Pearse. Recommended as proper to be given at funerals.
Pearse, Edward, 1631-1694Date: 1695- Books
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A moste fruitefull, pithie, and learned treatise, hovv a Christian man ought to behaue himselfe in the daunger of death : and how they are to be releued and comforted, whose deare friendes are departed out of this worlde, moste necessarie for this our vnfortunate age [and] sorowfull dayes.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1574?]]- Books
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Quatuor novissma: Or, Meditations upon the four last things / delivered in four common-place discourses: by Thomas Longland.
Longland, Thomas, 1629 or 1630-1697Date: 1657- Books
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The maner to dye well : An introduction moste compendiously shewinge the fruitefull remembrance of the last fowre thinges: that is to say, death, hell, iudgement, and the ioyes of heauen. Gathered out of manye good authors, both comfortable and profitable to the dilligent reader. Learnedly instructing howe to prouide for death.
Date: 1579- Books
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Deathes generall proclamation : also fine preceptes of vertuous and honest lyfe.
Leigh, Valentine, active 1562Date: The 8 day of January, anno M.D.LXI [8 Jan. 1561]- Books
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The rvle and exercises of holy dying : in which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves, and others respectively, for a blessed death ... together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons ... to which are added rules for the visitation of the sick.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667Date: 1651- Books
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A discourse of life and death: written in French, by Phil. Mornay. Done in English by the Countesse of Pembroke.
Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623Date: 1608- Books
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The saints incouragement to diligence in Christ's service : with motives and means to Christian activity : to which is added, as an example to prove the point handled, the deathbed experiences of Mris B. ... / by James Janeway.
Janeway, James, 1636?-1674Date: 1674