25 results filtered with: Animals in literature
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From beasts to souls : gender and embodiment in Medieval Europe / edited by E. Jane Burns and Peggy McCracken.
Date: [2013]- Books
Epopée animale, fable, fabliau : actes du IVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne, Evreux, 7-11 septembre 1981 / édités par Gabriel Bianciotto, Michel Salvat.
International Reynard Society. Colloque 1981 : Evreux, France)Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
Libro de los venenos : corrupción y fábula del Libro Sexto de Padacio Dioscórides y Andrés de Laguna, acerca de los venenos mortífoeros y de las fieras que arrojan de sí ponzoña / Antonio Gamoneda.
Gamoneda, Antonio, 1931-Date: 1997- Books
[Baʹale ḥayim be-sifrut Yisrael (romanized form)] / [Arieh Shoshan].
Shoshan, Arieh.Date: [1971]- Books
Novus phisiologus : nach Hs. Darmstadt 2780 / herausgegeben von A.P. Orbán.
Date: 1989- Books
Les animaux dans l'Antiquité grecque / Jacques Dumont.
Dumont, Jacques.Date: [2001], ©2001- Books
Blind beasts : Chaucer's animal world / [Beryl Rowland].
Rowland, Beryl.Date: [1971]- Books
Animals in Roman life and art / J.M.C. Toynbee.
Toynbee, J. M. C. (Jocelyn M. C.), 1897-1985.Date: [1973]- Books
Animals in the Middle Ages : a book of essays / edited by Nona C. Flores.
Date: 1996- Books
The mark of the beast : the medieval bestiary in art, life, and literature / edited by Debra Hassig.
Date: 1999- Books
Calls to distant places / Peter Jordan.
Jordan, Peter (Short story writer)Date: 2019- Books
The book of the great sea-dragons, ichthyosauri and plesiosauri. [Gedolim taninim] gedolim taninim, of Moses. Extinct monsters of the ancient earth. With thirty plates, copied from skeletons in the author's collection of fossil organic remains, (deposited in the British museum.) / By Thomas Hawkins.
Hawkins, Thomas, 1810-1889.Date: 1840- Books
Bestiaires médiévaux : nouvelles perspectives sur les manuscrits et les traditions textuelles : communications présentées au XVe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne (Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-22.8.2003) / éditées par Boudouin van den Abeele.
International Reynard Society. Colloque 2003 : Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)Date: 2005- Books
By the light of the glow-worm lamp : three centuries of reflections on nature / edited by Alberto Manguel.
Date: 1998- Books
Therobiblia : biblisch Thier-, Vogel- u. Fischbuch (Leipzig 1595) / Hermann Heinrich Frey ; mit Vorw. u. Registern herausgegeben v. Heimo Reinitzer.
Frey, Hermann Heinrich, 1549-1599.Date: 1978- Books
The Shakespearean wild : geography, genus, and gender / Jeanne Addison Roberts.
Roberts, Jeanne Addison.Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
The book of fabulous beasts : a treasury of writings from ancient times to the present / edited by Joseph Nigg.
Date: 1999- Books
Animal lore in English literature / by P. Ansell Robin.
Robin, P. Ansell (Percy Ansell)Date: 1936- Books
Animalium historia sacra : in quâ plerorumque animalium praecipuae proprietates in gratiam studiosorum theologiae, & ministrorum verbi, ad usum [eikonologikon], breviter accommodantur / in Academiâ VVittebergensi ante annos aliquot dictata à VVolfgango Franzio ... ; iam denuò emendatius & correctius edita; triplici indice, scilicet capitum, rerum, & locorum è Scripturâ, nec non adagiorum aucta.
Franz, Wolfgang, 1564-1628.Date: MDCXLIII [1643]- Books
Animal days / Joshua Beckman.
Beckman, Joshua, 1971-Date: [2021]- Books
The accommodated animal : cosmopolity in Shakespearean locales / Laurie Shannon.
Shannon, LaurieDate: 2013- Books
L'animal dans l'antiquité / édité par Barbara Cassin et Jean-Louis Labarrière.
Date: 1997- Books
Fauna and flora of the Bible / prepared in cooperation with the Committee on Translations of the United Bible Societies.
Date: [1972]- Books
The breathless zoo : taxidermy and the cultures of longing / Rachel Poliquin.
Poliquin, Rachel, 1975-Date: [2012], ©2012- Books
Einführung in die Arabische Zoographie : das tierkundliche Wissen in der arabisch-islamischen Literatur / Herbert Eisenstein.
Eisenstein, Herbert.Date: 1991