753 results filtered with: Africa
- Books
Welcome package : complementary training modules in research administration and management / Afrique One.
Afrique One (Consortium)Date: [2014]- Books
Band-aid for a broken leg : being a doctor with no borders (and other ways to stay single) / Damien Brown.
Brown, DamienDate: 2013- Books
- Online
Primo volume, & seconda editione delle Nauigationi et viaggi : in molti luoghi corretta, et ampliata, nella quale si contengono la descrittione dell'Africa, & del paese del Prete Ianni, con varij viaggi, dalla città di Lisbona, & dal mar Rosso à Calicut, & insin'all'isole Molucche, doue nascono le spetierie, et la nauigatione attorno il mondo : aggiuntoui di nuouo la relatione dell'isola Giapan, nuouamente scoperta nella parte di settentrione, alcuni capitoli appartenenti alla geographia estratti dell'historia del S. Giouan di Barros portoghese, tre tauole di geographia in disegno, secondo le carte da nauigare de Portoghesi, & fra terra secondo gli scrittori che si contengono in questo volume, un'indice molto copioso, delle cose di geographia, costumi, spetierie, & altre cose notabili, che in esso si contengono.
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557.Date: L'anno 1554- Pictures
- Online
David Livingstone, holding a gun, attacked by a lion; Africans and a missionary in the foreground. Etching.
Reference: 561229i- Books
- Online
Contribution à la géographie médicale des maladies Africaines / par J. Brault.
Brault, J. (Jules), 1862-1916.Date: 1898- Pictures
- Online
Africa: a group of African people standing on a kraal hut. Albumen print.
Date: [between 1800 and 1899]Reference: 534280i- Books
Aids in Africa : how the poor are dying / Nana K. Poku.
Poku, Nana, 1971-Date: 2005- Pictures
A young North African woman, posing naked standing on some rocks, against a painted background in a photographic studio. Photograph, ca.1900.
Reference: 548603i- Books
A simple cure / Colette Hawes ; editor Pauletta Edwards ; illustrator Joan Gammans.
Hawes, ColetteDate: 1985- Books
Agricultural biotechnology : country case studies : a decade of development / edited by Gabrielle J. Persley, L. Reginald MacIntyre.
Date: [2002], ©2002- Pictures
Group of men and women standing in a field.
Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 537379iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Pictures
A young North African woman, posing naked holding a tambourine, against a plain background in a photographic studio.
Date: [1900]Reference: 548608iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Ephemera
- Online
Bushmen children.
Date: [1845]- Books
Travels in Europe and Africa ... / by Colonel Keatinge. Comprising a journey through France, Spain and Portugal, to Morocco: with a particular account of that empire. Also a second tour through France in 1814.
Keatinge, Maurice, -1835.Date: 1816- Books
Prevention and control of yellow fever in Africa.
Date: 1986- Books
A mission doctor sees the wind of change / by E. W. Doell.
Doell, E. W.Date: [1960], ©1960- Pictures
- Online
Parasites: a parasitical worm, shown much enlarged, with its hosts. Gouache painting by J. Svoboda after L.W. Sambon.
Sambon, L. W. (Louis Westenra), 1865-1931.Reference: 46546i- Books
The African republic of Liberia and Belgian Congo : based on the observations made and material collected during the Harvard African Expedition, 1926-1927 / edited by Richard P. Strong.
Harvard African Expedition (1926-1927)Date: 1930- Pictures
Three Pygmy men, wearing bones through their noses and ears.
Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 535648iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Pictures
A young North African woman, posing naked holding aloft a tambourine, against a plain background in a photographic studio.
Date: [1900]Reference: 548607iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.- Books
Afrika : der dunkle Erdtheil im Lichte unserer Zeit / von Amand Freiherr von Schweiger-Lerchenfeld.
Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, Amand, Freiherr von, 1846-1910.Date: 1886- Books
Handbook of African medicinal plants / Maurice M. Iwu.
Iwu, Maurice M.Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
The flying syringe : ten years of immobilising wild animals in Africa / by A.M. Harthoorn.
Harthoorn, Antonie MarinusDate: 1970- Books
A bibliography of the leukaemias in Africa, 1904-1985 / Alan F. Fleming.
Fleming, A. F.Date: 1986- Pictures
A large group of African men dancing in an open area. Photograph by H. Binks, ca.1900.
Binks, H.Date: [approximately 1900]Reference: 537998iPart of: The Fallaize Collection.