98 results filtered with: Surgery - Early works to 1800
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Culpeper's last legacy : left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in severall sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorismes and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fourth impression; whereunto is added 200 choyce receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in astrology and physick.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1668- Books
Thomae Burnet ... Thesaurus medicinae practicae. : Ex praestantissimorum medicorum observationibus, consultationibus, consiliis, & epistolis, summa diligentia collectus, ordineque alphabetico dispositus / et à Daniele Puerario ... auctus observationibus selectissimis. Tomus prior [-Tomus alter].
Burnet, Thomas, Sir, 1632?-1715?Date: Anno M. DC. LXXVIII. [1678]- Books
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Culpeper's last legacy : left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. Being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choice aphorisms and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fifth impression; whereunto is added 200 choice receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table. By Nicholas Culpeper Gent. student in astrology and physick.
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654Date: 1671- Books
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The antidotharius : in the whiche thou mayst learne howe thou shalte make many, and dyuers noble playsters, salues, oyntement, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wou[n]de drynkes, the whiche be very necessary, and behouefull, vtyle, and profytable, for euery surgyan, therin to be experte, and redy at all tymes of nede.
Date: [1542?]]- Books
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An introduction to physic and surgery: containing. I. Medicinal institutions, or physiology, hygieine, pathology, semeiotice, and therapeutice. II. A compendious system of anatomy III. A general account of woods, ulcers, tumours, operations, and dressings; as also, the medicines used in surgery. IV. Botany and the materia medica. V. Pharmacy, as well chemical as Galenical. VI. A dispensatory, containing a great variety of the most efficacious officinal compositions, and extemporaneous prescriptions. VII. A syllabus of the symptoms of all the diseases incident to the human body. VIII. An index of diseases and their remedies. IX. A posologic table, containing the doses of all the simples and compounds. X. An explanation of the terms of art, accented as they are to be pronounced. / By R. Brookes, M.D.
Brookes, Richard, active 1750.Date: MDCCLIV. [1754]- Books
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Chirurgorum comes: or The whole practice of chirurgery. Begun by the learned Dr. Read; continued and completed by a Member of the College of physicians in London. Licensed, Feb. 15. 1686.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1687- Books
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The Englishemans treasure : with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent chirurgion maister Thomas Vicary Esquier, Sergeant Chirurgion to King Henry the 8. To King Edward the 6. To Queene Mary. And to our soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth. And also chiefe chirurgion to S. Bartholomewes Hospitall. Whereunto are annexed many secretes appertayning to chirurgerie; with diuers excellent approued remedies for all diseases the which are in man or woman, with emplasters of speciall cure, with other potions and drinkes approued in phisicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner, doctor in phisicke. Gathered and set forth for the benefite of his friendes and countreymen in England by William Bremer, practitioner in physicke and chirurgerie.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1587- Books
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Several chirurgical treatises / by Richard Wiseman.
Wiseman, Richard, 1622?-1676Date: 1686- Books
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Guidos questions : newly corrected. VVherevnto is added the thirde and fourth booke of Galen, with a treatise for the helps of all the outward parts of mans body. And also an excellent antidotary containing diuers receipts, as well of auncient as latter wryters: faythfully corrected by men skilfull in the sayd arte.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: [1579]- Books
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The antidotharius : in the whiche thou mayst lerne howe thou shalt make many and dyuers noble plaesters, salues, oyntementes, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wounde drynkes, the whiche be verye necessarye, and behouefull, vtyle and profytable for euery surgyan, therin to be experte, and redy at all tymes of nede.
Date: [1556?]]- Books
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Mellificum chirurgiæ, or the marrovv of many good authors enlarged : wherein is briefly, fully, and faithfully handled the art of chirurgery in its four parts, with all the several diseases unto them belonging: in their destinations, causes, signes, prognosticks, and cures, both general and particular. As also an appendix, wherein is methodically handled the cure of those affects usually happening at sea, and in camp, with other necessary to be known. To which is added new institutions, physical and chirurgical; Hyppocrates aphorismes, sorted under several heads of diseases of the parts of the body: with a brief comment; at the end of which you have several approved receipts, some heretofore kept secret, with the doses, admirable vertues, and several vehecles of Venice-Treacle, and Mithidate. Gathered first for private use, and now again put forth for publique benefit by James Cooke Practitioner in physick and chirurgery.
Cooke, James, 1614-1694Date: 1662- Books
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A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie : Wherein is exactly set downe the definition, causes, accidents, prognostications, and cures of all sorts of diseases, both in generall and particular, which at any time heretofore haue been practized by any chirurgion: according to the opinion of all the ancient professors of that science. Which is not onely profitable for chyrurgions; but also for all sorts of people: both for preuenting of sicknesse; and recouerie of health. / Compiled by Peter Lovve Scottishman, doctor in the facultie of chirurgerie at Paris: and ordinary chyrurgion to the French King and Navarre. ; Wherevnto is added the rule of making remedies which chirurgions doe commonly vse: with the presages of diuine Hyppocrates.
Lowe, Peter, approximately 1550-approximately 1612Date: An. Dom. 1612..- Books
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Ars chirurgica : A compendium of the theory and practice of chirurgery. In seven books. Containing I. The instruments and operations of the art. II. The removal of defilements. III. The cure of tumors. IV. The cure of wounds. V. The cure of ulcers. VI. The cure of fractures. VII. The cure of dislocations. Shewing the names, causes, signes, differences, prognosticks, and various intentions of curing all kinds of chirurgick diseases, from head to foot, happening to human bodies. To which is added, Phamacopœia chirurgica; or, the medical store, Latin and English: which contains an absolute sett of choice preparations or medicaments, fitted for the compleat and universal practice both of physick and chirurgery. The whole work galenically and chymically performed. The like yet never published in any language whatsoever. By William Salmon, M.D. living at the great house by Black-Friers-Stairs, London.
Salmon, William, 1644-1713Date: 1699- Books
Breve compendio de cirugia para los practicantes / Matias de Quintanilla ; [prelim. by Ignacio Gutierrez].
Quintanilla, Matías deDate: [1683 or 1685?]- Books
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Novum lumen chirurgicum vindicatum: or, The new light of chirurgery vindicated : from the many unjust aspersions of several unknown calumniators. With the addition of som few experiments made this winter, 1694/5, in England. By John Colbatch, a member of the College of Physicians.
Colbatch, John, Sir, 1670-1729Date: 1698- Books
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An enchiridion of chirurgerie : containing the exacte and perfect cure of woundes, fractures, and disclocations ; An antidotarie contayning hidde and secrete medicines simple and compounde : as also suche as are required in Chirurgerie / ... published by Thomas Gale, maister in chirurgerie.
Gale, Thomas, 1507-1587Date: 1563-1564- Books
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The surgeons mate or Military & domestique surgery : Discouering faithfully & plainly ye method and order of ye surgeons chest, ye uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of ye medicines, with ye exact cures of wounds made by gunshott, and otherwise as namely: wounds, apos fumes, ulcers, fistula's, fractures, dislocations, with ye most easie & safest wayes of amputation or dismembring. The cures of the scuruey, of ye fluxes of ye belly, of ye collicke and iliaca passio, of tenasmus and exitus ani, and of the calenture, with A treatise of ye cure of ye plague. Published for the service of his Ma. tie and of the com:wealth. By John Woodall Mr. in chyrurgerie.
Woodall, John, 1556?-1643Date: 1655- Books
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Cours d'operations de chirurgie, : demontrées au Jardin royal ... / par M. Dionis.
Dionis, Mr (Pierre), -1718.Date: 1714- Books
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The chirurgical and anatomical works of Paul Barbette, M.D. ... : composed according to the circulation of the blood and other new inventions of the moderns : together with a treatise of the plague, illustrated with observations / translated out of Low-Dutch into English.
Barbette, Paul, -1666?Date: 1672- Books
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The most excellent workes of chirurgerie / made and set foorthe by Maister John Vigon head chirurgien of oure tyme in Italie ; translated into English ; wherunto is added an exposition of straunge termes and vnknowen symples, belongyng to the arte.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: And finished the 17. day of Iuly [17 July 1571]- Books
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Chirurgorum comes, or, The whole practice of chirurgery / begun by the learned Dr. Read ; continued and completed by a Member of the College of physicians in London.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1687- Books
Cours d'operations de chirurgie, : demontrées au Jardin Royal, / par M. Dionis, premier chirurgien de feuës Mesdames les Dauphines; & Maître Chirurgien Furé à Paris.
Dionis, Mr (Pierre), -1718.Date: M. DCC. XIV. [1714]- Books
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A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical : viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; or a discovery of a more safe, and speedy way of curing wounds than formerly usually practised, with several experiments. II. The new light of chirurgery vindicated from the unjust aspersions of several unknown calumniators, &c. III. A physico-medical essay concerning alkaly and acid as they relate to the cause and cure of distempers; with an account of some distempers, and the medicines for the cure of them: also a short digression about specific remedies. IV. Further considerations concerning alkaly and acid, wherein the terms and nature of them are more fully explained, &c. V. A treatise of the gout, wherein both its cause and cure are demonstrated; with some medicinal observations concerning the cure of fevers, &c. by the means of acids; with an account of experiments, and the medicines, with their preparations. VI. The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases further asserted, in answer to Dr. Tuthill; wherein are some things relating to the his.
Colbatch, John, Sir, 1670-1729Date: 1699- Books
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Mellificium chirurgiæ, or, The marrow of chirurgery much enlarged : to which is now added Anatomy, illustrated with twelve brass cuts, and also The marrow of physick, both in the newest way / by James Cooke.
Cooke, James, 1614-1694Date: 1676- Books
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The whole course of chirurgerie : wherein is briefly set downe the causes, signes, prognostications & curations of all sorts of tumors, wounds, vlcers, fractures, dislocations & all other diseases, vsually practiced by chirurgions, according to the opinion of all our auncient doctours in chirurgerie / Compiled by Peter Lowe Scotchman, Arellian, Doctor in the Facultie of Chirurgerie in Paris, and chirurgian ordinarie to the most victorious and christian King of Fraunce and Nauarre. Whereunto is annexed the presages of diuine Hippocrates.
Lowe, Peter, approximately 1550-approximately 1612Date: 1597