98 results filtered with: Surgery - Early works to 1800
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A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgery : vvherein is exactly set down the definitions, causes, accidents, prognostications and cures of all sorts of diseases, both in generall and particular, which at any time heretofore have been practised by any chyrurgion, according to the opinion of all the ancient professors of that science : which is not only profitable for chyrurgions, but also for all sorts of people, both for preventing of sicknesse, and recovery of health / compiled by Peter Lovve Scottingham ... ; whereunto is added the rule of making remedies which chyrurgions doe commonly use, with the presages of divine Hippocrates.
Lowe, Peter, approximately 1550-approximately 1612Date: 1654- Books
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Tables of surgerie : brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good method, collected and gathered out of the best physicians by Horatius Morus a Florentine physician: and faithfullie translated out of Latine into our English toong, by Richard Caldwall doctor of physicke.
Morus, Horatius, active 1569Date: 1585- Books
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The analysis of chyrurgery : being the theorique and practique thereof. Briefly composed for the benefit of all those who desire the knoledge of this worthy profession. By the paines and industry of Ed: Edwards Doctor in Physicke.
Edwards, Edward, doctor in physickDate: 1636- Books
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The most excellent workes of chirurgerye, made and set forth by maister John Vigon, heed chirurgie[n] of our tyme in Italie, translated into english. Whereunto is added an exposition of straunge termes [and] vnknowen symples, belongyng to the arte.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1543- Books
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A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgerie : VVherein is exactly set downe the definition, causes, accidents, prognostications, and cures of all sorts of diseases, both in generall and particular, which at any time heretofore haue beene practiced by any chyrurgion: according to the opinion of all the ancient professors of that science. Which is not onely profitable for chyrurgions; but also for all sorts of people: both for preventing of sicknesse; and recoverie of health. Compiled by Peter Lovve Scottishman, Doctor in the facultie of chyrurgerie at Paris: and ordinary chyrurgion to the French King and Navarre. Whereunto is added the rule of making remedies which chyrurgions doe commonly use: with the presages of divine Hippocrates.
Lowe, Peter, approximately 1550-approximately 1612Date: An. Dom. 1634- Books
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Three exact pieces of Leonard Phioravant Knight, and Doctor in Physick, viz. his Rationall secrets, and Chirurgery, reviewed and revived. Together with a book of excellent Experiments and secrets, collected out of the practises of severall expert men in both faculties : Whereunto is annexed Paracelsus his One hundred and fourteen experiments : with certain excellent works of B.G. à Portu Aquitano. Also Isaac Hollandus his Secrets concerning his vegetall and animall work. With Quercetanus his Spagyrick antidotary for gun-shot.
Fioravanti, Leonardo, 1517-Date: 1652. [i.e. 1651]- Books
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Mellificium chirurgiæ, or, The marrow of chirurgery : an anatomical treatise, institutions of physick, with Hippocrates's aphorisms largely commented upon, the marrow of physick shewing the causes, signs and cures of most diseases incident to humane bodies; choice experienced receits for the cure of several distempers ... illustrated in its several parts with twelve brass cuts / by James Cooke.
Cooke, James, 1614-1694Date: 1685- Books
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The noble experyence of the vertuous handy warke of surgeri, practysyd [and] compyled by the moost experte mayster Iherome of Bruynswyke, borne in Straesborowe in Almayne ... Item there after he hath authorysed and done it to vnderstande thrugh the trewe sentences of the olde doctours and maysters very experte in the scyence of surgery, as Galienus, Ipocras, Auicenna, Gwydo, Haly abbas, Lancfrancus of mylen, Iamericus, Rogerius, Albucasis, Place[n]tinus, Brunus, Gwilhelmus de saliceto, [and] by many other maysters whose names be wryten in this same boke. ... Item yf ye fynde ony names of herbes or of other thynges wherof ye haue no knowlege, yt shall ye knowe playnly by the potecarys. Item here shall you fynde also for to make salues, plasters, powders, oyles, and drynkes for woundes. Item who so desyreth of this science ye playne knowlege let hym oftentymes rede this boke, and than he shall gette perfyte vnderstandynge of the noble surgery.
Brunschwig, Hieronymus, approximately 1450-approximately 1512Date: [In the yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxv. [1525] and the. xxvi. day of Marche]- Books
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Nuova, et utilissima prattica di tutto quello ch'al diligete barbiero s'appartiene : divisa in due librii ove si discorre del cavar sangue, medicar ferite, et balsamar corpi humani : del vero modo da farsi la scarificatione, gli opportuni tempi del salasso, e l'anatomia di esso sangue, con altri mirabili secreti, e figure / composta per Cintio d'Amato e per Tomaso Antonio Riccio.
Amato, Cintio d', active 17th century.Date: 1671- Books
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The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey translated out of Latin and compared with the French. by Tho: Johnson. Whereunto are added three tractates our of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, & nerves, with large figures. Also a table of the bookes and chapters.
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590Date: 1665- Books
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The Chyrurgeons store-house : furnished with forty-three tables cut in brass, in which are all sorts of instruments ... useful to the performance of all manual operations ... together with a hundred choise observations of famous cures performed : with three indexes 1. of the instruments, 2. of cures performed, and 3. of things remarkable / written by Johannes Scultetus ; and faithfully Englished by E.B.
Scultetus, Johannes, 1595-1645Date: 1674- Books
Medical & psychiatric considerations in ancient Indian surgery. Vol. X : based on chapters 39-62 of Uttara-tantra of Suśruta saṁhitā / by G.D. Singhal and K.P. Shukla.
Suśruta.Date: [1999]- Books
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Woodalls viaticum: the path-way to the surgions chest : Containing chirurgicall instrvctions for the yonger sort of surgions now imployed in the service of His Maiestie for the intended reliefe of Rochell. And composed by Iohn Woodall, one of the present masters or governors of the companie of Barber surgions London. Intended chiefly for the better curing of wounds made by gun-shott. Published by authoritie.
Woodall, John, 1556?-1643Date: 1628- Books
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Thesaurus chirurgiæ : the chirurgical & anatomical vvorks of Paul Barbette, M.D. practitioner at Amsterdam : composed according to the doctrine of the circulation of the blood, and other new inventions of the moderns : together with a treatise of the plague, illustrated with observations / translated out of Low-Dutch into English.
Barbette, Paul, -1666?Date: 1676- Books
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Chirurgorum comes: or, The whole practice of chirurgery / Begun by the learned Dr. Read; continu'd and compleated by a member of the College of Physicians in London. To which is added, by way of appendix, two treatises, one of the venereal disease, the other concerning embalming.
Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641Date: 1696- Books
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The questyonary of cyrurgyens : with the formulary of lytell Guydo in cyrurgie, with the spectacles of cyrurgyens newly added, with the fourth boke of the Terapentyke [sic], or methode curatyfe of Claude Galyen prynce of physyciens, with a synguler treaty of the cure of vlceres, newely enprynted at London, by me Robert wyer, and be for to sell in Poules Churcheyarde, at the sygne of Judyth. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
Guy, de Chauliac, approximately 1300-1368Date: [1542]- Books
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The English-mans treasure : with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Mr. Thomas Vicary, Esquire ... ; whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgerie, with divers excellent approved remedies.
Vicary, Thomas, -1561Date: 1641- Books
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[Certaine workes of chirurgerie, newly compiled ...].
Gale, Thomas, 1507-1587Date: 1586- Books
Novum systema medicum et chirurgicum, tam theoreticum quam practicum : secundum methodum mathematicam / conscriptum a Johanne Friderico Rübel.
Rübel, Johann Friedrich.Date: M DCC LXV. [1765]- Books
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The works of Ambrose Parey chyrurgeon to Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III, Kings of France : wherein are contained, an introduction to chirurgery in general : a discourse of animals and the excellence of man : the anatomy of man's body : a treatise of praeternatural tumors ... / illustrated with variety of figures and the cuts of the most useful instruments in chirurgery : recommended by the University of Paris to all students in physick and chirurgery.
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590Date: MDCXCI [1691]- Books
Epitome praeceptorum medicinae chirurgiae : Cum ampla singulis morbis convenientium remediorum expositione / Authore P. Pigraeo.
Pigray, Pierre, 1532?-1613.Date: 1612- Books
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A most excellent and learned vvoorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci / Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyuers translations to our vulgar or vsuall frase, and now first published in the Englyshe prynte by Iohn Halle chirurgien. Who hath thervnto necessarily annexed. A table, as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues, as also of all other termes of the arte opened. ... And in the ende a compendious worke of anatomie ... An historiall expostulation also against the beastly abusers, both of chyrurgerie and phisicke in our tyme: with a goodly doctrine, and instruction, necessary to be marked and folowed of all true chirurgie[n]s. All these faithfully gathered, and diligently set forth, by the sayde Iohn Halle.
Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th centuryDate: An. [1565]- Books
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Chirurgus marinus: or, The sea-chirurgion : Being instructions to junior chirurgic practitioners, who design to serve at sea in this imploy. In two general parts. The first part contains necessary directions, how the chirurgion should furnish himself with medicines, instruments, and necessaries, fit for that office; together with a medicinal catalogue, and an exemplary invoyce. The second part contains the surgions practice at sea, both cirurgical and physical; which practical part serves as well at land as at sea. By John Moyle, Sen. One of their Majesties superannuated sea-chirurgions.
Moyle, JohnDate: 1693- Books
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The vvhole worke of that famous chirugion Maister Iohn Vigo : newly corrected, by men skilfull in that arte. Wherevnto are annexed certain works, compiled and published by Thomas Gale, Maister in Chirurgerie.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1586- Books
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The workes of that famous chirurgion Ambrose Parey / translated out of the Latine and compared with the French, by Tho. Johnson ; whereunto are added three tractates out of Adrianus Spigelius of the veines, arteries, & nerves, with large figures ; also a table of the bookes and chapters.
Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590Date: 1649