117 results filtered with: Death - Early works to 1800
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A discourse of life and death. Written in French by Phil. Mornay. Done in English by the Countesse of Pembroke.
Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623Date: 1600- Books
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Disce mori. = Learne to die : A religious discourse, moouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remerbrance of his ende. Wherein also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be abserued, necessary to be thought vpon, while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise our selues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1600- Books
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Death's alarum: or, Security's vvarning-piece : A sermon preached in S. Dionis Back-Church, at the funerall of Mrs. Mary Smith (daughter of Mr. Isaac Colfe, formerly minister of Gods Word at Chadwell in Essex, and late wife of Mr. Richard Smith of London, draper) who dyed the 9th. day of Novemb. 1653. and was buried the 16th of the same moneth. By Nath: Hardy, Mr. of Arts, and preacher to that parish.
Hardy, Nathaniel, 1618-1670Date: 1653- Books
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Disce mori. = Learne to die : A religious discourse, moouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remembrance of his ende. Wherin also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessary to be thought vpon, while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise our selues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1601- Books
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The dying mans last sermon. Or, The fathers last blessing : Left, and bequeathed as a legacy unto his children, immediately before his death. Being comfortable meditations and preparations for the day of death; which for the worth of them are more worthy to be written in letters of gold, then with ink and paper. The twelfth edition with additions, by Andrew Jones, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Jones, Andrew, active 17th centuryDate: 1665- Books
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Memento mori remember to die.
Date: [1640]- Books
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The five days debate at Cicero's house in Tusculum : Upon 1. Comforts against death. 2. Patience under pain. 3. The cure of discontent. 4. The government of the passions. 5. The chief end of Man. Between master and sophister.
Cicero, Marcus TulliusDate: 1683- Books
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Deaths knell: or, The sicke mans passing-bell : summoning all sicke consciences to pr[e]pare themselues for the comming of the grea[t] day of doome, lest mercies gate be shut against them: fit for all those that desire to arriue at the heauenly Ierusalem. Whereunto are added prayers fit for housholders. The ninth edition. Written by W. Perkins.
Perkins, William, 1558-1602Date: 1628- Books
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Preparation to deathe : A booke as deuout as eloquent, compiled by Erasmus Roterodame.
Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536Date: [Annno. M. D. XXXVIII. [1538]]- Books
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The considerations of Drexelius upon death : For well, sick, and dying persons. Done into English by a Fellow of the Royal Society.
Drexel, Jeremias, 1581-1638Date: 1699- Books
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To the memory of Thomas Heneage Esquire : an expostulation with death.
Date: 1642- Books
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Disce mori : Learne to dye : a religious discourse mouing euery Christian man to enter in to a serious remembrance of his end, wherein also in contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God before and at the time of his departure : in the whole, somewhat happily may be obserued, necessary to be thought vpon while wee are aliue, and when wee are dying to aduise our selues and others.
Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629Date: 1616- Books
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The rule and exercises of holy dying : In which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves and others respectively for a blessed death; and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sickness: together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by others standing in their attendance. To which are added rules for the visitation of the sick, and offices proper for that ministery.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667Date: 1682- Books
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The rule and exercises of holy dying : In which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves and others respectively for a blessed death; and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sickness: together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by others standing in their attendance. To which are added rules for the visitation of the sick, and offices proper for that ministery.
Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667Date: MDCLXXIV. [1674]- Books
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The mourners cordial against excessive sorrovv : discovering what grounds of hope Gods people have concerning their dead friends by Samuel Willard, teacher of a church in Boston. Very suitable to be given at funerals. [Five lines from II Corinthians].
Willard, Samuel, 1640-1707Date: 1691- Books
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The defence of death : Contayning a moste excellent discourse of life and death, vvritten in Frenche by Philip de Mornaye Gentleman. And doone into English by E.A.
Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623Date: 1577- Books
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Death's uncontrollable summons; or, The mortality of mankind : Being a dialogue between death and a young-man. To the tune of, My bleeding heart.
Date: [1685]- Books
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The dying mans last sermon. Or, The fathers last blessing : Left and bequeathed as a legacy to his children, immediately before his death. Being comfortable meditations and preparations for the day of death; which for the worth of them, are more worthy to be written in letters of gold, than ink and paper. By Andrew Jones, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Jones, Andrew, active 17th centuryDate: [1681-4]- Books
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A practical discourse concerning death / by William Sherlock.
Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707Date: 1696- Books
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Comfort for an afflicted conscience : wherein is contained both consolation and instruction for the sicke, against the fearefull apprehension of their sinnes, of death, of the diuell, of the curse of the law, and of the anger and iudgement of God. / Written by M. Iohn de L'Espine, and translated out of French into English by Peter Allibond, minister of the word of God.
L'Espine, Jean de, approximately 1506-1597Date: 1591- Books
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Christs voice to London. And the great day of Gods wrath : Being the substance of II. sermons preached in the (city) in the time of the sad visitation. Together with the necessity of watching and praying. With a small treatise of death. By William Dyer, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Dyer, William, -1696Date: Printed in the year, 1666- Books
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A discourse of life and death. VVritten in French by Ph. Mornay. Antonius, a tragœdie written also in French by Ro. Garnier. Both done in English by the Countesse of Pembroke.
Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623Date: 1592- Books
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A werke for housholders : or for them that haue the guidyng or gouernaunce of any company. Gadred and set forth by a professed brother of Syon, Richarde Whitforde: and newly corrected and prynted agayne with an addicion of polici for housholding, set forth also by the same brother.
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: [The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The .xix. day of Auguste. [1531]]- Books
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[The conte[n]tes of this boke. A werke of preparacion, vnto co[m]munion, or howselyng : The werke for housholders with the golden pistle and alphabete or crosrowe called an. A.B.C. all duely corrected and newly prynted].
Whitford, Richard, active 1495-1555?Date: [The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The. xix. day of Auguste. [1531]]- Books
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Contemplatio mortis, et immortalitatis.
Manchester, Henry Montagu, Earl of, 1563?-1642Date: Anno Dom. 1631