146 results filtered with: Cataract Extraction
- Books
John Cunningham Saunders (1773-1810) : his contribution to the surgery of congenital cataracts / Noel S.C. Rice.
Rice, Noel S. C.Date: 1993- Books
Surgery of cataract / Daniel B. Kirby.
Kirby, Daniel B.Date: [1950]- Books
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Ophthalmic surgery / by J. F. Streatfield.
Streatfied, J. F.Date: [1872]- Books
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On couching of the lens, as practised by native practioners in India / by R. H. Elliot.
Elliot, Robert Henry, 1864-1936.Date: [1906]- Books
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Discussion on post-operative complications of cataract extractions : opening paper / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1914]- Books
La surface de section des plaies : faites en vue de l'extraction de la cataracte et de l'iridectomie / par Marc Landolt.
Landolt, Marc, 1879-Date: 1905- Books
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Über Nachstaar und Iritis nach Staaroperationen / von Joh. Ad. Schmidt.
Schmidt, Johann Adam, 1759-1809.Date: 1801- Books
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G. Joseph Beer's Methode den grauen Staar sammt der Kapsel auszuziehen : nebst einigen andern wesentlichen Verbesserungen der Staaroperation uberhaupt.
Date: 1799- Books
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Report upon a series of forty-seven cataract operations / by John B. Story.
Story, John B.Date: 1880- Books
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Über Nachstaar und Iritis nach Staaroperationen / von Dr. Joh. Ad. Schmidt.
Schmidt, Johann Adam, 1759-1809.Date: 1801- Film
Date: 19??- Books
Complications after cataract surgery / edited by F.H. Theodore ; with 31 contributing authors.
Date: 1965- Books
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Ophthalmic notes / by C. R. Agnew.
Agnew, Cornelius Rea, 1830-1888.Date: 1874- Books
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Ueber das geeigenetste Verfahren der Kapseleröffnung behufs Staarentfernung / von Dr. Bol. Wicherkiewicz.
Wicherkiewicz, Bolesław, 1847-1915.Date: 1889- Books
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A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacrymalis : to which is added, a dissertation on the epiphora vera, or, true watery eye, and the zeropthalmia, or dry eye / by Jonathan Wathen ; also, an appendix, on the treatment of patients after the operation for the cataract, in which are shewn, the evils attendant on long confinement and continued bandages, and an opposite practice recommended, illustrated with cases, by Jonathan Wathen Phipps.
Wathen, Jonathan, 1729-1808.Date: 1792- Books
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Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der streifenförmigen Hornhauttrübungen nack Staarextraktion : inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde / Richard Müller.
Müller, Richard, active 1894.Date: 1894- Books
The history of modern cataract surgery / ed. by Marvin L. Kwitko and Charles D. Kelman.
Date: 1998- Books
- Online
Practical inquiry into the causes of the frequent failure of the operations of depression, and of the extraction of the cataract, as usually performed : with the description of a series of new and improved operations, by the practice of which, most of the causes of failure may be avoided, illustrated by tables of the comparative success of the new and old modes of practice / by Sir William Adams.
Adams, William, Sir, 1783-1827.Date: 1817- Books
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Lettre à Monsieur le Marquis de *** sur les opérations de la cataracte / faites par M. Pallucci.
Pallucci, Natale Giuseppe, 1719-1797.Date: 1751]- Books
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Report of one hundred and thirty-six cases of cataract extraction : with remarks / by David Webster.
Webster, David, 1842-1923.Date: [1891]- Books
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De la cataracte : son extraction directe, nouveau procédé / par le Dr Tavignot.
Tavignot, François Louis, 1818-Date: 1867- Books
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On a series of one hundred cataract extractions / by H. R. Swanzy.
Swanzy, Henry R. (Henry Rosborough), 1843-1913.Date: 1895- Books
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Die operative Behandlung der natürlich und künstlich gereiften Staar-Formen / von Albert Mooren.
Mooren, Albert, 1828-1899.Date: 1894- Books
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Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Augenheilkunde : Bericht über 1641 Augenkranke und 70 Starextractionen / von Emil Bock.
Bock, Emil, active 1891.Date: 1891- Books
- Online
Methode d'abbattre la cataracte / Par M. Pallucci.
Pallucci, Natale Giuseppe, 1719-1797.Date: 1752