6 results filtered with: Broadsides - England - Early works to 1800
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Reasons, humbly offered to the honourable House of Commons; by the master, wardens, and Society of the art and mystery of Apothecaries, London: for the exempting them from certain offices and duties.
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of LondonDate: [1695?]- Books
- Online
The Muscovy operator.
Date: [1700?]- Books
- Online
By the King. A proclamation for the suppressing of disorderly and unseasonable meetings, in taverns and tipling-houses, and also forbidding footmen to wear swords, or other weapons, within London, Westminster, and their liberties.
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II)Date: 1660- Books
- Online
Reasons, humbly offered to the honourable House of Commons; by the master, wardens, and Society of the art and mystery of Apothecaries, London: for the exempting them from certain offices and duties.
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of LondonDate: [1695?]- Books
- Online
By the King. A proclamation, prohibiting the planting, setting and sowing of tobacco in England and Ireland, according to an Act of Parliament herein specified.
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II)Date: 1661. At the King's Printing-House in Black-Friers- Books
- Online
Hereaft' foloweth the abreuiaco[n]n of the graces : i[n]dulge[n]ces [and] stacio[n] which our moste holy fad' Pope Alexa[n]der vi. grau[n]teth to all true beleui[n]ge people: of euery sexe of kynde wylli[n]ge to entre into the fraternite of the great Hospytall of saynt James i[n] Co[m]postell: lately edifyed [and] bylded: as is co[n]teined i[n] his letr[e]s apostolykes, grau[n]ted to euerlasti[n]ge memory, [and] co[n]fermed by our holy fad' now bei[n]ge Pope Juli[us].
Orden de SantiagoDate: [1505?]