76 results
- Books
Les religions du monde, ou demonstration de toutes les religions et heresies de l'Asie, Afrique, Amerique, et de l'Evrope, depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'à présent / Escrites par le Sr. Alexandre Ross. Et traduit par Thomas La Grue. Enrichy. Par tout de figures en taille douce.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654.Date: 1666- Books
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The picture of the conscience drawne to the life, by the pencell of divine truth : VVherein are set out 1. Its nature. 2. Infirmities. 3. Remedies. 4. Its duties. Consisting first in the truths to be beleived [sic]. 2. The vertues to be practised. 3. The vices to bee avoyded. 4. The heresies to bee rejected. All seasonable for these distracted times. By Alexander Rosse.
Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654Date: 1646- Books
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Mercurius coelestis : being an almanack for the year of the worlds redemption, 1681. And of its creation according to the best of history, 5630. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year in which is comprized variety of matter fit for such a subject, - as the aspects of the planets, eclipses, sun rising and setting, monthly observations in verse and prose. With other things. [bracket] Astronomically and astrologically [bracket] considered. Calculated for the meridian of London. / By John Partridge.
Partridge, John, 1644-1715Date: 1681- Books
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Mercurius coelestis : being an almanack for the year of the worlds redemption, 1681. And of its creation according to the best of history, 5630. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year in which is comprized variety of matter fit for such a subject, - as the aspects of the planets, eclipses, sun rising and setting, monthly observations in verse and prose. With other things. [bracket] Astronomically and astrologically [bracket] considered. Calculated for the meridian of London. / By John Partridge.
Partridge, John, 1644-1715Date: 1681- Books
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An almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1692 : Being the bissextil or leap-year, and from the creation 5692. Calculated for the meridian of the centre or middle of England, whose latitude is 54 deg. And therefore far more usefull for the kingdom in general, than any other extant. By W. Turner, Gent. In this almanack are contained these particluars. 1. A description of England, and a general tide-table. 2. A chronology of memorable things. 3. The sun's rising, setting, length of the day & night, and his place in the ecliptick, and break of day. 4. The change, full and quarters of the moon, with the time that every planet meets with the moon. 5. Choice rules for husbandry and gardening. 6. Presidents for making bills, bonds, wills, leases, &c. 7. Tables for interest of money, and for the purchasing of lands or leases of houses. 8. To measure and set out land, --- 9. To gauge vessels. - 10. And to find the hour of the day by the sun.
Turner, W. (William), active 1687-1701Date: 1692- Books
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A Magical vision, or, A perfect discovery of the fallacies of witchcraft : as it was lately represented in a pleasant sweet dream / to a holy sweet sister ... for preservation of the saints from being tainted with the heresies of the congregations of the Doe-Littles.
Date: 1673- Books
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The true portriture of a prodigious monster : Taken in the mountains of Zardana. the following discription - whereof was sent to Madrid. Octob: 20th. 1654 from thence to Don Olonz de Cardines embassidor for the King of Spain, now resident at London.
Date: 1655- Books
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Advice to the maidens of London : to forsake their fantastical top-knots; since they are become so common with Billings-gate women, and the wenches that cryes kitchin-stuff: together with the wanton misses of the town. To the tune of, Ye ladies of London. This may be printed, R.P.
Date: [1691?]- Books
Some anatomies of melancholy / Robert Burton.
Burton, Robert, 1577-1640Date: 2008- Books
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A statute for swearers and drunkards, or Forsake now your follies, your booke cannot saue you, for if you sweare and be drunke, the stockes will haue you : To the tune of When canons are roaring.
Date: [1624]- Books
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Prologue to the reviv'd alchemist.
Date: [1660]- Books
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The great sins of drunkeness and gluttony set forth in the proper colours : And by Scripture sentences and pious meditations briefly confirmed.
Date: 1656- Books
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A moste frutefull, piththye and learned treatise, how a christen ma[n] ought to behaue himself in the dau[n]ger of death.
Werdmüller, Otto, 1511-1552Date: [1555?]- Books
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Collections of acute diseases : The second and third part. The second part, contains all that the learn'd and experienc'd Dr. Sydenham, has written of the pestilential fever, and dreadful plague at London in the years 1665, 1666. The third part, collected from the same author, treats of the depuratory fever of the years 1661, 62, 63, 64. and of the new fever; together with an exact description of that wonderful convulsion, called chorea sancti viti, and of its cure: and of the cure of the fever that afflicts children upon breeding teeth, as also of the hectic fever that is peculiar to them.
Pechey, John, 1655-1716Date: 1688- Books
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The general practise of physicke : Conteyning all invvard and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities that are incident vnto them, euen from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote. Also by what meanes (with the help of God) they may be remedied: very meete and profitable, not onely for all physitions, chirurgians, apothecaries, and midwiues, but for all other estates whatsoeuer; the like whereof as yet in English hath not beene published. Compiled and written by the most famous and learned doctour Christopher Wirtzung, in the Germane tongue, and now translated into English, in diuers places corrected, and with many additions illustrated and augmented. By Iacob Mosan Germane, doctor in the same facultie.
Wirsung, Christof, 1500?-1571Date: 1617- Books
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Vindiciæ pharmacapolæ, or an answer to the doctors complaints against apothecaries : Ou poies eas mia chelidōn.
T. CDate: [1675?]- Books
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A memento for Holland : or A true and exact history of the most villainous and barbarous cruelties used on the English merchants residing at Amboyna in the East-Indies, by the Netherland governor and conncel [sic] there. Wherein is shewed what tortures were used to make them confess a conspiracy they were never guilty of; by putting them on the rack, and by a water torture, to suffocate them; and by burning them under their arm pits, and soals of their feet, till their fat by dropping extinguished the candles.
Date: 1652- Books
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The run-awayes return : or, the poor penniless pilgrim.
Date: M.DC.LXV. [1665]- Books
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A right godly and Christian A.B.C. shewing the duty of every degree : To the tune of Rogero.
Date: [1625]- Books
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Rub for rub: or, an answer to a physicians pamphlet, styled, The stroker stroked.
Date: printed in the year 1666- Books
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A vvatch for a wise mans observation.
Date: 1677- Books
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Proponitur, Maimonidis More Nevochim typis mandandum lingua Arabica, qua ab authore primò scriptum est. Suscipiendi operis causæ sunt, I. Latina editione Buxtorfiana ante multos annos prorsus distracta & absumpta, iste liber (ad explicandas S. Scripturas Apprime utilis) hodie quovis pretio non est redimendus. II. Quamvis clarissimi Buxtorfii versio Latina (si modo haberi posset) maxima ex parte sit accurata, alicubi tamen est justo laxior, & alibi aliquando virum doctissimum fefillit linguæ Hebraicæ amphibolia, cum non esset originalem textum Arabicum consulendo. Cum itaque doctrinam dicto libro contentam ... Si autem tales notæ censeantur sacere ut hoc opus in nimiam molem excrescat, his omnibus omissis, nudus textus Arabice & Latine emittatur. De his autem penes hujus operis promotores judicium esto. Dicti operis sequitur hujusmodi Specimen.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204Date: [1690]- Books
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A watch for a wise mans observation : in two parts. First, a divine poem on the three persons in the Holy Trinity, the four evangelists, the ten commandements, and the twelve apostles. The second, a preparation (by a holy life) for the hour of death, that we may be all fitted for our latter end, when we shall go hence, and be no more seen. By D.B.
Date: [1690]- Books
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The Red-Crosse: or, Englands Lord haue mercy vpon vs : [A lament]able relation of many visitations by the plague in times past, as well in other countries as in the city of London, and the certaine causes thereof: with a true number of all those that dyed in the last great visitation, at the comming in of King Iames: and also the number of all those that haue dyed this present visitation; with two speciall medicines against the plague.
Date: 1625- Books
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Upon the most hopefull and ever-flourishing sprouts of valour, the indefatigable centrys of the physick-garden.
J. D. (John Drope), 1626-1670Date: Printed, 1666