456 results filtered with: St. Thomas's Hospital. Medical School. Library
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A lecture on syphilis : delivered at Guy's Hospital, January 11, 1867 / by Samuel Wilks.
Wilks, Samuel, Sir, 1824-1911.Date: 1868- Books
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Das weibliche Becken betrachtet in Beziehung auf seine Stellung und die Richtung seiner Höhle : nebst Beyträgen zur Geschichte der Lehre von den Beckenaxen / von Franz Carl Naegele.
Naegele, Franz Karl, 1778-1851.Date: 1825- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis, M.DCCC.XXIV.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1824- Books
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On the glanders in the human subject / By John Elliotson.
Elliotson, John, 1791-1868.Date: 1830- Books
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Étude sur les hôpitaux : considérés sous le rapport de leur construction, de la distribution de leurs bâtiments, de l'ameublement, de l'hygiène & du service des salles de malades / par Armand Husson.
Husson, Armand, 1809-1874.Date: 1862- Books
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Remarks on the history and philosophy but particularly on the medical efficacy of electricity in the cure of nervous and chronic disorders ; and in various local affections, as blindness, deafness, &c. illustrated with many new and striking cases: together with conversations on galvanism, as an efficient substitute for mercurial remedies, in bilious and stomach complaints. ... / By M. La Beaume.
La Beaume, Anthony Joseph Michael.Date: 1820- Books
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Practical observations on disorders of the stomach : with remarks on the use of the bile in promoting digestion / by George Rees.
Rees, George, 1776-1846.Date: 1810- Books
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Sarsaparilla, and sarsaparilla so called : a popular analysis of a popular medicine, its nature, properties, and uses, how to insure its success as a remedy, the most approved forms, and the various phases of disease in which it may be advantageously employed / by Linnaeus Smilax.
Smilax, Linnaeus, active 1854.Date: 1854- Books
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M. V. Regnault's... Schule der Chemie : nach dem neuesten Standpunkte der Wissenschaft für Universitäten, Academien, Gymnasten, Real- und Gewerbschulen, Handel- und Uckerbaulehanstalten, sowie zur Gelbstbelehrung / von M. V. Regnault ; in Bearbeitung von C. H. Th. Kerndt.
Regnault, V. (Victor), 1810-1878.Date: 1851- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis de dyspepsia : quam annuente summo numine ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird SS. T.P. academiae Edinburgenae praefecti; nencon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimæ facultatis medicæ decreto; pro gradu doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis, rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit / Joannes Troy Martin, Anglus ... ; IV id Julii, hora locoque solitis.
Martin, John Troy, active 1832.Date: MDCCCXXXII [1832]- Books
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A system of anatomical plates of the human body : accompanied with descriptions, and physiological, pathological & surgical observations / [by] John Lizars.
Lizars, John, 1787?-1860.Date: 1823-1826- Books
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History and method of cure of the various species of epilepsy : being the second part of the second volume of a treatise on nervous diseases / by John Cooke.
Cooke, John, 1756-1838.Date: 1823- Books
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On the treatment of hyperpyrexia : as illustrated in acute articular rheumatism by means of the external application of cold / by Wilson Fox.
Fox, Wilson, 1831-1887.Date: 1871- Books
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Reports relating to the sanitary condition of London / By John Simon.
Simon, John, Sir, 1816-1904.Date: MDCCCLIV [1854]- Books
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An introduction to the study of chemical philosophy : being a preparatory view of the forces which concur to the production of chemical phenomena / by J. Frederic Daniell.
Daniell, J. Frederic (John Frederic), 1790-1845.Date: M.DCCC.XLIII [1843]- Books
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The causation of sleep : a physiological essay / by James Cappie.
Cappie, James, -1898 or 1899.Date: MDCCCLXXII. [1872]- Books
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Traité d'analyse zoochimique qualitative et quantitative ; guide pratique pour les recherches physiologiques et cliniques à l'usage des médecins, des pharmaciens, des chimistes et des étudiants / par le Dr. E. de Gorup-Besanez ... Traduit sur la troisième édition allemande et augm. par le docteur L. Gautier.
Gorup-Besanez, Eugen Franz Seraphin, Freiherr von, 1817-1878.Date: 1875- Books
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Tentamen medicum inaugurale de febre endemica Indiarum Occidentalium : quod, annuente summo numine : ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird, SS.T.P. Academiae Edinburgenae Praefecti : necnon amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae decreto : pro gradu doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis / eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Franciscus Carter, Anglus, Coll. Reg. Chir. Lond. Soc. Societ. Reg. Med. Edin. Soc. Extraord. &c. &c.
Carter, William Francis.Date: MDCCCXVIII [1818]- Books
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Introductory lecture to a course of lectures on the theory and practice of physic : to be delivered at the Medical School in Aldersgate Street / by Marshall Hall.
Hall, Marshall, 1790-1857.Date: [1835?]- Books
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The action of fungi in the production of disease / by Tilbury Fox.
Fox, William Tilbury, 1836-1879.Date: MDCCCLXVI [1866]- Books
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A treatise on the diseases of arteries and veins, containing the pathology and treatment of aneurisms and wounded arteries / by Joseph Hodgson.
Hodgson, Joseph, 1788-1869.Date: 1815- Books
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Biographical sketch of the late Matthew Baillie, M.D / by James Wardrop.
Wardrop, James, 1782-1869.Date: 1824- Books
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Ligature of the left common iliac artery : being the second operation in Ireland, and the first successful case of it / by William Hargrave.
Hargrave, William, active 1865.Date: 1865- Books
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General report of the Commission appointed for improving the sanitary condition of barracks and hospitals.
Great Britain. Barrack and Hospital Improvement Commission.Date: 1861- Books
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The histology and histochemistry of man : a treatise on the elements of composition and structure of the human body / by Heinrich Frey ... Translated from the fourth German edition, by Arthur E.J. Barker ... and revised by the author. With six hundred and eight engravings on wood.
Frey, Heinrich, 1822-1890.Date: 1874