23 results filtered with: Goeurot, Jean
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Summaire tres singulier de toute Medecine et cirurgie, speciallement contre toutes maladies sourvenantes quotidiennement au corps humain ... Item ung regime singulier contre la peste compose par maistre Nycolas de houssemaine / [Jean Goeurot].
Goeurot, Jean.Date: 1500- Books
- Online
The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, Jean.Date: [1560]- Books
- Online
The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, JeanDate: [Anno Domini. 1553]- Books
Trattato e reggimento utilissimo per servirsene nel tempo della peste / Di m. Giovanni Gieurot ... Tradotto di franzese in lingua italiana da Camillo Spannocchi ... Con una breve raccolta di avvertimenti per guardarsi da essa, & altri rimedii approvati.
Goeurot, JeanDate: 1576- Books
- Online
Trattato e reggimento utilissimo per servirsene nel tempo della peste / Di m. Giovanni Gieurot ... Tradotto di franzese in lingua italiana da Camillo Spannocchi ... Con una breve raccolta di avvertimenti per guardarsi da essa, & altri rimedii approvati.
Goeurot, Jean.Date: 1576- Books
- Online
[The regiment of life.].
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1544]- Books
- Online
The kegiment [sic] of life / wherunto is added A treatyse of the pestilence, with The booke of children newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayer.
Goeurot, JeanDate: The last daye of June 1546- Books
Summaire tres singulier de toute Medecine et cirurgie, speciallement contre toutes maladies sourvenantes quotidiennement au corps humain ... Item ung regime singulier contre la peste compose par maistre Nycolas de houssemaine / [Jean Goeurot].
Goeurot, Jean.Date: [between 1500 and 1599]- Books
- Online
Lentretenement de vie, summairement compose ... Contenant les remedes de medecine et cyrurgie, contre toutes maladies. Survenantes quotidiannement es corps humains. Lesquelles il a approuvees, & en ce petit livre inserees a la requeste de Madame, pour la sante utilite & proffit de tout le monde ... Item Ung regime singulier contre peste ... / [Jean Goeurot].
Goeurot, Jean.Date: 1530- Books
The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, JeanDate: 1567- Books
[A new booke entyteled the regiment of lyfe: with a syngular Treatise of the pestilece].
Goeurot, Jean.Date: [1543]- Books
- Online
The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, JeanDate: In the yeare of oure Lorde God M.D.LX. [1560]]- Books
Lentretenement de vie, summairement compose ... Contenant les remedes de medecine et cyrurgie, contre toutes maladies. Survenantes quotidiannement es corps humains. Lesquelles il a approuvees, & en ce petit livre inserees a la requeste de Madame, pour la sante utilite & proffit de tout le monde ... Item Ung regime singulier contre peste ... / [Jean Goeurot].
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1530?]- Books
- Online
[The regiment of life,] : [wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence : with the Booke of children / newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phaer.].
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1553]- Books
- Online
The regiment of lyfe, wherunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of speciall remedies (experimented) for all diseases, griefes, impediments, and defects often happening in yong children, newly corrected [and] enlarged by Thomas Faier.
Goeurot, JeanDate: An. 1567- Books
- Online
Le summaire et entretenement de vie tressingulier de toute medecine & cirurgie, speciallement contre toutes maladies suruenantes quotidienneme[n]t au corps humain. Compose & approuue par Maistre Jehan Goeurot docteur en medecine, ... : Item vng Regime singulier contre la peste. Item le traicte ou regime de sante compose recentement par Maistre Pierre de Tuxiganes ... Item vne table pour plus facillement trouuer le contenu oudict summaire.
Goeurot, Jean.Date: 1520- Books
- Online
The regiment of life. Whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book of chyldren. Newly corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phayre.
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1578]- Books
Le summaire et entretenement de vie tressingulier de toute medecine & cirurgie, speciallement contre toutes maladies suruenantes quotidienneme[n]t au corps humain. Compose & approuue par Maistre Jehan Goeurot docteur en medecine, ... : Item vng Regime singulier contre la peste. Item le traicte ou regime de sante compose recentement par Maistre Pierre de Tuxiganes ... Item vne table pour plus facillement trouuer le contenu oudict summaire.
Goeurot, Jean.Date: [1520?]- Books
The regiment of lyfe / whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book of chyldren: newly corrected and enlarged, by Thomas Phayre.
Goeurot, JeanDate: [1578?]- Books
- Online
The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke of children, newly corrected and enlarged by T. Phayre.
Goeurot, JeanDate: [i.e. 1550]]- Books
- Online
The regiment of life : whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged / by Thomas Phaire.
Goeurot, JeanDate: Anno Domini. 1553- Books
- Online
The regiment of life / Whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book of children. Latelye corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phayre.
Goeurot, JeanDate: 1596- Books
- Online
The regiment of life. VVhereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book of children. Latelye corrected and enlarged by Thomas Phayre.
Goeurot, JeanDate: 1596