13 results filtered with: Freemasons
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Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, holden at the city of Hartford, on Wednesday the 18th day of May, anno lucis, five thousand seven hundred and ninety-six,--A.D. 1796
Freemasons- E-books
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Right worshipful master, This is to acquaint you, that the grand master intends to hold a Committee of Charity at the Horn Tavern, in Fleet Street, on Friday, the 21st day of February, next, at Six O'Clock in the Evening ... before which Time you are desi
Freemasons- E-books
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The constitution and bye-laws, together with a summary abstract of the ordinances, rules, and regulations that have been adopted by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, from the time of its institution on the eighth day of July anno lucis five thousand seven h
Freemasons- E-books
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The principles and practice of the most ancient and honourable society of Free and Accepted Masons: together with the duties enforced in several charges, &c. selected from the best authors
Freemasons- E-books
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Ahiman Rezon Abridged And Digested: As A Help To All That Are, Or Would Be Free And Accepted Masons. To Which Is Added, A Sermon, Preached In Christ-Church, Philadelphia, At A General Communication, Celebrated, Agreeable To The Constitutions, On Monday, D
Freemasons- E-books
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The constitutions of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons: containing their history, charges, addresses, &c. Collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books. For the use of Masons. To which
Freemasons- E-books
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The original subscribers to the free-masons tontine: with the number of lives for which each have subscribed. 1775
Freemasons- E-books
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Regulations for raising a fund to build a hall and purchase jewels, furniture &c for the grand lodge, independent of the general fund of charity. To commence October 29th, 1768
Freemasons- E-books
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A charge delivered at the constitution of the Lodge, No.CXXX. At the Swan in Wolverhampton, on Tuesday the 30th of October 1764. By the Worshipful Grand Master, Pro Tempore
Freemasons- E-books
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The Freemasons calendar for 1781. Being the first after leap year
Freemasons- E-books
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The free-Mason's calendar, for the year 1788, Being Bissextile, or Leap-Year: Containing, Besides the usual Matter in other Almanacs, a great Variety of Articles concerning Published for the benefit of the Charity-Fund, under the sanction of the Grand Lod
Freemasons- E-books
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Proposals for raising 5,000l. for the use of the Society of Free and Accepted Masons, for the purpose of building a hall, &c. by way of tontine, at 5l. per cent. per annum, with benefit of survivorship, so that the longest liver will be intitled to 250l
Freemasons- E-books
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A list of regular lodges according to their seniority & constitution