127 results filtered with: France
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Déclaration du Roi, portant établissement d'une commission royale de médecine, pour l'examen des remedes particuliers & la distribution des eaux minérales. Du 25 avril 1772.
France.Date: 1773- E-books
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A declaration of Monsieur de la Noue, to the diet of the Empire, at Francfort, in the name of the French King. With proper observations upon that masterpiece of French policy. Translated from the Dutch
France- E-books
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French originals
France- E-books
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Official notes from the minister of the French Republic, to the secretary of state of the United States of America. With a replication to the first note, by the secretary of state
France- E-books
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A translation of the French King's ordinance, relating to the enrolling of sea-officers, sailors, and sea-faring people. The 15th of April, 1689
France- E-books
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State of the finances of France, laid before the King, by Mr. Necker, Director-General of the finances, in the month of January, 1781. Translated from the Paris edition Printed by Order of his Most Christian Majesty
France- E-books
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The french King's letter to the States General: with the memorial deliver'd to Their High Mightinesses, the 26th of July, 1701. Answer'd and recited paragraph by paragraph. From the originals printed at the Hague
France- E-books
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Important state paper. A report made in the National Convention, in the name of the Committee of Public Safety. By Citizen Roberspierre [sic]. A member of that Committee, on the political situation of the Republic. The 27th brumaire, the 2d year of the Re
France- Books
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Code de l'Hôpital-Général de Paris, ou recueil des principaux édits, arrêts, déclarations et réglements. Qui le concernent, ainsi que les maisons & hôpitaux réunis à son administration.
France.Date: 1786- E-books
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National Convention. Report on the organization of national schools: to complete a Republican education. Made in the name of the Committee of Public Instruction. The 24th germinal, second year of the Republic. (April 13, 1794.) By Bouquier. (Translated fr
France- E-books
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The royal edict, given at Versailles, in November, 1787. For granting toleration throughout His most Christian Majesty's dominions, to dissenters from the established church. Registered in Parliament, January 29, 1788
France- Books
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Statuts et réglemens generaux pour les communautés de chirurgiens des provinces. Donnés ... le 24 février 1730. Enrégistrés dans tous les Parlemens du Royaume.
France.Date: 1754- Books
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(Loix, statutz et ordonnances du très chrestien roy de France Henry deuxiesme de ce nom, suivant ces neuf édictz faictz ès moys de janvier et mars... 1551, mai, juillet, aoust, octobre et janvier 1552, sur la création, érection et reiglement des nouveaulx conseillers, magistratz, juges criminelz, greffiers d'appeaulx et autres officiers establiz ès sièges presidiaulx du royaume de France par Gérauld Du Barriet.)
FranceDate: 1553- Books
Loix de la République Française et Arrêtés du Directoire Exécutif.
FranceDate: 1799- E-books
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Plan of the French constitution, and declaration of rights; as presented to the National Convention of France on the 16th of February, 1793. The second edition. Translated from the authentic French copy, published by order of the National Convention
France- Books
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Commentaires sur les ordonnances de Blois establies aux Estats généraux convoquez en la ville de Blois 1579,... pour la réformation de la justice... nouvellement reveu... et augmenté par M. Philibert Bugnyon,... 3e édition
FranceDate: 1584- E-books
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Proceedings in the National Convention of Paris; and other authentic documents respecting religion in France
France- Books
Declaration du Roy, portant qu'aucune personne ne pourra faire la fonction de medecin, ny pratiquer la medecine dans la ville et fauxbourgs de Paris, encore qu'il ait obtenu des degrez dans les autres universitez du royaume, qu'il ne se soit presenté en la dite Faculté de Paris, pour y prendre de nouveaux degrez de bachelier licencié, ou de docteur ... Donnée à Versailles le 29. mars 1696.
France. Sovereign (1643-1715 : Louis XIV)Date: [1696]- E-books
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The King of France's memorial delivered to the States-General by Monsieur d'Avaux, upon the taking possession of the towns in Flanders
France- E-books
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Notes adressées par le Citoyen Adet, ministre plénipotentiaire de la République Française près les États-Unis d'Amérique, au secrétaire d'etat des Etats-Unis. = Notes from Citizen Adet, minister plenipotentiary of the French Republic, near the United Stat
France- E-books
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Impeachment of Mr. La Fayette: containing his accusation, (stated in the report of the Extraordinary Commission to the National Assembly, on the 8th of August, 1792,) supported by Mr. Brissot of Warville; and his defence by Mr. Vaublanc: with a supplement
France- Books
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Ordonnances du Roy sur le faict de la gendarmerie
FranceDate: 1566- E-books
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Memorials presented, by the deputies of the Council of Trade in France, to the Royal Council, in 1701. being the year after the establishment of the said Council of Trade by King Lewis XIV. Concerning the commerce of that nation to their American Islands
France- E-books
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An historical memorial of the negotiation of France and England, from the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th of September of the same year. With the vouchers. Translated from the French original, published at Paris by authority
France- E-books
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The Definitive treaty of peace and friendship between His Britannick Majesty, the Most Christian King, and the King of Spain: concluded at Paris, the 10th day of February, 1763; to which the King of Portugal acceded on the same day
FranceDate: [1763]