17 results filtered with: Bullein, William, -1576
- Books
The government of health; a treatise ... for the especiall good and healthfull preservation of mans bodie from all noysome diseases / [William Bullein].
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1595- Books
- Online
A newe booke entituled the gouernement of healthe : wherein is uttered manye notable rules for mannes preseruacion, with sondry symples and other matters, no lesse fruiteful then profitable: colect out of many approued authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better understanding of thunlearned. Whereunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence / By VViliam Bulleyn.
Bullein, William, -1576.Date: 1558- Books
- Online
A newe boke of phisicke called ye gouernment of health : wherin be vttred many notable rules for ma[n]s preseruacio[n], with sondry simples [et] other matters, no lesse fruitfull then profitable: collect out of many approued authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence. By VVilliam Bullein.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1559]- Books
- Online
[A dialogue both pleasant and piety-full, against the fever pestilence.].
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1564]- Books
A newe boke of phisicke called ye government of health : wherein be uttred many notable rules for mans preservacion, with sondry simples & other matters, no lesse fruitfull then [sic] profitable: collect out of many approved authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better understanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence / By William Bullein.
Bullein, William, -1576.Date: 1559- Books
- Online
A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull : wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence with a consolacion and comfort against death / newly corrected by Willyam Belleyn, the autour thereof.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: M.D.LXIIII [1564]- Books
A dialogue against the feuer pestilence / by William Bullein. From the edition of 1578, collated with the earlier editions of 1564 and 1573 ; edited by Mark W. Bullen and A.H. Bullen.
Bullein, William, -1576.Date: 1888- Books
- Online
A newe booke entituled the gouernement of healthe : wherein is vttered manye notable rules for mannes preseruacion, with sondry symples and other matters, no lesse fruiteful then profitable: colect out of many approued authours. Reduced into the forme of a dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of thunlearned. Wherunto is added a sufferain regiment against the pestilence. By VVilliam Bulleyn.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1558]- Books
- Online
The gouernment of health: a treatise written by William Bullein, for the especiall good and healthfull preseruation of mans bodie from all noysome diseases, proceeding by the excesse of euill diet, and other infirmities of nature: full of excellent medicines, and wise counsels, for conseruation of health, in men, women, and children. Both pleasant and profitable to the industrious reader.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1595- Books
- Online
A dialogue bothe pleasaunt and pietifull, wherein is a godlie regiment against the feuer pestilence : with a consolation and comforte againste death. Newlie corrected by William Bullein, the authour threof.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: Iulij. 1573- Books
- Online
Bulleins bulwarke of defe[n]ce : againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and practised fro[m] the moste worthie learned, bothe old and newe: to the greate comforte of mankinde: doen by Williyam Bulleyn, and ended this Marche. anno salutis. 1562.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [1562]- Books
- Online
Bulleins bulwarke of defence against all sicknesse, soarenesse, and woundes that doe dayly assaulte mankinde: which bulwarke is kept with Hilarius the gardener, & Health the phisicion, with the chirurgian, to helpe the wounded souldiours ... / Gathered and practised from the most worthy learned, both olde and new.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1579- Books
- Online
Bulleins bulwarke of defence : against all sicknesse, soarenesse, and vvoundes that doe dayly assaulte mankinde: which bulwarke is kept with Hilarius the gardener, [and] Health the phisicion, with the chirurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiours. Gathered and practised from the most worthy learned, both olde and new: to the great comfort of mankinde: by VVilliam Bullein, Doctor of Phisicke. 1562.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1579- Books
- Online
A comfortable regiment, and a very wholsome order against the moste perilous pleurisi : whereof many doe daily die within this citee of London, and other places: and what the cause is of the same, doen by William Bulleyn, December. 8. Anno salutis 1562.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: [Anno salutis 1562]- Books
- Online
A briefe and short discourse of the vertue and operation of balsame : with an instruction for those that haue their health to preserue the same. VVhereunto is added Doctor Bullins diet for health.
Date: Anno Domini. 1585- Books
- Online
A dialogue bothe pleasant and pitifull : wherein is a godlie regimente against the feuer pestile[n]ce, with a consolation and comfort against death. Newlie corrected by W. Bullein, the author thereof.
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1578- Books
- Online
Bulleins bulwarke of defence againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily assaulte mankinde, whiche bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the gardiner, Health the phisician, with their Chyrurgian, to helpe the wounded soldiors (Here after insueth a little dialogue, betwene twoo men, the one called Sorenes, and the other Chyrurgj: concerning apostumacions, etc.--The booke of compoundes--The booke of the use of sicke men, and medicens) / [William Bullein].
Bullein, William, -1576Date: 1562