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111 results filtered with: Wigs
  • Women wearing four different styles of fashionable wigs. Coloured etching.
  • A wig-seller dressing a wig on a stand in his shop; the wig-stands bear the heads of Tory politicians. Wood engraving by W.C.W. after R. Seymour.
  • Two physicians in "macaroni" fashions. Etching by J. Johnson after J.W.B. (Bretherton?), 1772.
  • A man is blown out of a window by an enema. Engraving.
  • Gentlemen round a table at their club, smoking and drinking punch. Coloured mezzotint, late 18th century.
  • A lady retiring to bed, and ordering her maid to look after her artificial aids to beauty (wig, teeth, glass eye etc.). Coloured etching by P. Roberts after G.M Woodward.
  • Christ's Hospital: the Great Hall during a ceremony. Engraving by J. G. Walker, 1822, after T. Stothard, 1799.
  • A small boy places his grandfather's wig and hat on his younger sister; the grandfather looks on with amusement. Coloured lithograph by L. Boilly, 1824.
  • Five aged doctors crushed together in consultation. Watercolour after L. Boilly, ca. 1823.
  • A medical consultation while a patient dies; a group of soldiers with a family; men in an artist's loft. Coloured lithograph c. 1840.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • An episode in Tristram Shandy: Doctor Slop, having fallen off his horse, is greeted by Obadiah. Etching after L. Sterne.
  • A surgeon amputating a grimacing patient's leg who is being held in a particular position by two attendants, the operation is near completion. Engraving, 1738.
  • A windy day at Margate: a man accidentally bumping into another man, and knocking out his last tooth. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1810.
  • A man vomits into a bowl as his companion lifts his wig and steadies the bowl. Coloured etching by T. Sandars, 1773, after J. Collier.
  • A lame man and a blind man go to court; the lawyer eats oysters and gives them the empty shells. Mezzotint, 1779.
  • A lady holding a fan in her right hand: an animal jumps out of her wig and bites the barber on the nose, forcing him to wear a black patch. Woodcut and letterpress.
  • A physician in traditional costume with sword, France 17--. Coloured engraving.
  • A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a patient who is in such pain that he pulls the tooth-drawer's wig off. Coloured etching after J. Gillray (?).
  • A surgeon amputating a grimacing patient's leg who is being held in a particular position by two attendants, the operation is near completion. Engraving, 1738.
  • Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert, ca. 1823.
  • A man wearing a ridiculously long wig pointing accusingly to a young pregnant woman, another man sits with his back to them. Etching.
  • The gouty George IV using tongs to pass his discarded wig to Wellington; representing the Duke's appointment to office as First Lord of the Treasury. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1828.
  • William Barrett, aged 31. Stipple engraving by W. Walker after J. van Rymsdick.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Engraving after W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • Bagnigge Wells, London: a family group, the Dumplings, on a day out. Mezzotint.
  • A barber dressing a wig. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a patient who is in such pain that he pulls the tooth-drawer's wig off. Coloured etching after J. Gillray (?).
  • Hair pieces, combs, hair slides and other appliances. Etching.