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84 results filtered with: Stores, Retail
  • A man comes to a shop to sell a fish to a woman who sells poultry, fish and vegetables, watched by a cat. Engraving by J. Burnet after W. Mieris.
  • Three women in a gin shop divert the landlady's attention while a match boy steals her money. Mezzotint, c. 1765.
  • The blind school, Southwark. Coloured engraving by R. Acon, 1829, after T. H. Shepherd.
  • [Card advertising the American Red Cross shop at 587 Fifth Avenue].
  • Customers drink and smoke in a spirit shop in South Africa. Wood engraving, c. 1877.
  • The Wellcome Research Institution, Euston Road, London: a reconstruction of an Arabic pharmacy from Damascus, 1959-1989. Photograph.
  • Amoy (Xiamen), Fukien province, China: a shop. Photograph by John Thomson, ca. 1870.
  • [British Red Cross Society leaflet asking for volunteers to work in their charity shops].
  • [Leaflet advertising the American Red Cross shop at 587 Fifth Avenue].
  • The Wellcome Research Institution, Euston Road, London: a reconstruction of an Italian pharmacy, 1935-1946. Photograph.
  • Two children wait nervously while an alchemist secretively concocts a mixture at his stove. Pen and wash drawing by G. Robinson.
  • Above Bar Street, Southampton, Hampshire. Coloured engraving by P. Brannon, 1846.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to Ragotin, who believes his body has swelled in his sleep. Engraving by G. Huquier the elder after J.B. Oudry.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • [Card advertising the American Red Cross shop at 587 Fifth Avenue].
  • Two shops or market stalls, in Korea.
  • An elaborate cross-section of Noah's ark, detailing the storing of provisions and livestock; scenes of loading and construction. Line engraving.
  • Crusaid, the national fundraiser for Aids announce their central London charity shop : at 21a Upper Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 1SN ... / Crusaid.
  • Subtle the alchemist, posing as an astrologer, being visited by Abel Drugger, in Ben Jonson's 'The alchemist'. Engraving by C. Grignion, 1791, after J. Graham.
  • Knightsbridge Chapel: above, the interior, below a vignette of the exterior, with three details of carved inscriptions. Engraving by B. Howlett after R. B. Schnebbelie, 1818.
  • A London linen-draper's assistant reveals his true identity: he is not "Horatio Sparkins", an aristocratic man about town, but Mr Smith, an assistant in a down-market shop. Etching by George Cruikshank, 1839.
  • An episode in Dombey and son by Charles Dickens: the interior of "The wooden midshipman", a shop in the City of London for navigational instruments; a boy ("Rob the Grinder") is conversing with a pugilist known as "The Game Chicken". Etching by Phiz (Hablot K. Browne).
  • The London Workhouse: the street and courtyard facades with a pair of medallions. Engraving by T. Dale after R. Schnebbelie, 1819.
  • Interior of a pharmaceutical laboratory behind a shop, with people at work, the shop is visible through a doorway. Engraving, 1747.
  • [British Red Cross Society leaflet asking for volunteers to work in their charity shops].
  • India: a pastry cook's shop. Watercolour, 18--.
  • A Frenchman in a tobacconist's declares he will take snuff to defy the increasing tax on tobacco. Coloured lithograph after H. Demare, c. 1870.
  • [British Red Cross Society leaflet asking for volunteers to work in their charity shops].
  • A liqueur label illustrated with a French liquor shop interior. Coloured engraving, 19th century.
  • A line of shops beside a dusty street, with telegraph poles overhead, in Korea.