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145 results filtered with: Medicine bottles
  • A grimacing invalid seated before a bowl having received an emetic, another man clasps his head compassionately. Etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A woman doctor examining a girl's finger. Engraving after J. Northcote.
  • A hypochondriac at home with his anxious nurse. Wood engraving.
  • A man composed of pharmaceutical equipment wandering the countryside; representing an apothecary as if he were an itinerant. Coloured lithograph.
  • A surgery where all fantasy and follies are purged and good qualities are prescribed. Line engraving by E. de Boulonnois, 16--.
  • An apothecary composed of the attributes of the trade. Line engraving.
  • A young woman convalescing in her boudoir with a visiting couple, while her maid prepares her medicine. Reproduction of a coloured aquatint.
  • A man pulling a peculiar face as he is about to take some medicine. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1801, after J. Gillray.
  • A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1800.
  • Two nuns in a pharmacy, one holds a sick child on her lap: Sisters of Charity Order. Mezzotint by T. Oldham Barlow, 1862, after H. Browne.
  • A rural physician giving an elderly woman a tablet, which she views suspiciously, a younger woman stands smiling in the background. Colour stipple engraving by J. Cary, 1786, after H. Taylor.
  • A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1800.
  • A disgruntled gouty man with all limbs bandaged, a table covered in medicine bottles is next to him. Coloured lithograph by H. Heath.
  • A disgruntled ill man taking a large dose of medicine. Coloured lithograph.
  • An excited physician examining a urine specimen and referring to a book, while the patient waits for the diagnosis, two assistants are mixing concoctions in the background. Mezzotint by J.B. Enzensberger after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A man composed of pharmaceutical equipment wandering the countryside; representing an apothecary as if he were an itinerant. Coloured lithograph.
  • A physician, in his surgery and workshop, examining a urine flask and referring to a book. Engraving by J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers.
  • The Dutch maid (De Nederlandse Maagd), personifying the Netherlands asks an apothecary whether a medicine might not be poisonous; symbolising doubts over a new Dutch tax law; he replies no, a babe-in-arms could take it. Process print after J. Braakensiek, 1890.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares at a country market, assisted by a woman. Colour stipple engraving by L.-M. Bonnet after J.-P. Caresme.
  • A dishevelled nurse with her disgruntled patient. Lithograph by W. Hunt.
  • A man standing by a fire place, pulling a peculiar face after taking some medicine. Coloured lithograph after J. Gillray.
  • A grimacing invalid seated before a bowl having received an emetic, another man clasps his head compassionately. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A seated hypochondriac shivering in front of a fire and surrounded by pills. Coloured aquatint by A. Atkinson, 1819.
  • A sick man at home in bed discussing his case with three physicians. Watercolour by T. Müller.
  • An apothecary in his laboratory concocting a mixture. Wood engraving by F.Mc F (?) after, 1876, after H.S. Marks.
  • A group of children playing at being doctors and pharmacists, mother and grandmother approach through a door. Photogravure after F. Hardy.
  • An Irish man is having a prescription made up in a pharmacy shop, he complains to the pharmacist about the small quantity of medicine he is being given. Wood engraving by C. Keane, 1874.
  • A woman doctor bandaging a young woman's hand. Mezzotint, 1787.
  • A rural surgeon treating a male patient's foot, in the background an assistant is mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar in a surgery. Engraving by T. Major, 1747, after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Joseph West. Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds, 1798.