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22 results filtered with: Jesus Christ Parables
  • The month April and the sign of Taurus, represented by a village in spring, and by the parable of the sower. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol, 1585.
  • The blind leading the blind. Oil painting after Pieter Bruegel.
  • The wise virgins take their lamps to the newly married couple; the foolish virgins sleep. Colour wood engraving by E. Evans after D.H. Friston.
  • The prodigal son returns home by boat to a large party. Etching by J. Wachsmuth after C.J. Vernet and J.C. Tardieu.
  • The month November and the sign of Sagittarius, represented by winter activities, a fire in a city, and by the parable of the great supper. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol, 1585.
  • The month September and the sign of Libra, represented by people gathering fruit from trees and the parable of the barren fig tree. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol, 1585.
  • Men lie sleeping under a tree; one sows seeds; representing the biblical parable of the sower. Etching by F. Keller after J.F. Overbeck.
  • Men lie sleeping as a man sows seeds; representing the biblical parable of the sower. Etching.
  • A man sows seeds; representing the parable of the sower. Etching.
  • A man scatters seeds; representing the Biblical parable of the sower; here referring to the "ministry of the word", preaching. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • Christ tells an apostle how a mustard seed grows into a tree. Etching.
  • The blind leading the blind. Oil painting after Pieter Bruegel.
  • The blind leading the blind. Oil painting after Pieter Bruegel.
  • The prodigal son embraces his father. Etching by F. Severati after J.F. Overbeck, 1851.
  • Christ with Mary and Martha. Lithograph by C. Hahn, 184-, after J. Hübner.
  • Two groups of bridesmaids wait by a bridge: one with candles, the other dejectedly staring at the ground; representing the biblical parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Etching by X. Steifensand after J.F. Overbeck, 1844.
  • Episodes in the Bible and examples of devotional practice. Collage of colour lithographs and process prints after Harold Copping and others.
  • The good Samaritan stops to help a wounded man who has been previously ignored by a priest and Levite. Wood engraving by C.A. Zscheckel after J. Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
  • The return of the prodigal son. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after L. Massari.
  • The halt and the blind being invited to the great supper. Mezzotint by J.E. Haid after J.M. Denzel.
  • The month October and the sign of Scorpio, represented by the vintage and by the parable of the unjust husbandmen. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol, 1585.
  • The good Samaritan helps the man who has been robbed and beaten. Engraving, 1793, after stained glass window at Healey Hall, Lancashire.