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34 results filtered with: Düsseldorf (Germany)
  • A teddy bear with a speech bubble above containing the words in German: 'My best friend is soon to be seven and has AIDS. Please help us'; an appeal for donations to help children with AIDS by the Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland e.V. [KAH] Colour lithograph by Christian Schuster and HDM Eggert.
  • A white telephone on a pale blue background advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''You do not get AIDS from swimming". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • A syringe forming the 'i' of AIDS with the message: "AIDS. Don't trust other people's fixes" representing an advertisement by the AIDS-Koordination NRW. Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen.
  • A white telephone on a pink background advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''You do not get AIDS from playing". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message "AIDS does not come from flirting". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199- for AIDS-Koordination NRW.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from the tango". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by Health Authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from playing". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • Two girls sitting in floral dresses on a beach, representing children with AIDS. Colour lithograph by Chris Taylor and HDM Eggert for Kinder-AIDS-Hilfe Deutschland e.V.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings placed on the shutters in the first galleries. Engraving, 1776.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings in the first gallery. Engraving, 1775.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings in the first gallery. Engraving, 1775.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organization; with the message ''AIDS does not come from caressing". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from shaking hands". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''Save love. Stop AIDS". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does not come from swimming". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings on two walls in the third gallery. Engraving, 1776.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Dusseldorf: ground plan. Engraving.
  • Hygieia as a personification of hygiene: a woman holding up the palm of her hand on the left and holding the staff of Aesculapius on the right, with water in the background; advertising an exhibition in Düsseldorf on health and welfare. Colour lithograph after L. ten Hompel, 1926.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS affects us all. Don't leave your colleagues in the lurch.". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • An angry looking face attempts to escape from the middle of the green silhouette of a man shouting "AIDS mich nicht an!" (AIDS won't get me!); a yellow illustration of a male and female running against a cityscape appears repeatedly across the background; an advertisement for a mobile Theatre Project in support of AIDS on behalf of the Ministry of Labor, Düsseldorf. Colour lithograph.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings in the third gallery. Engraving, 1776.
  • A white telephone on a pale grey background, advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and voluntary orgaqnizations; with the message ''AIDS affects us all. Least of all the sick. Save the love". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, ca. 1995.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by Health Authorities and voluntary organizations; with the message ''AIDS does come from cuddles". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings in the fifth gallery. Engraving by M.G.E. Eichler, 1776, after P.P. Rubens.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: fącade elevation and cross-section of the wings. Engraving by P.G. Pintz, 1776.
  • An under-nourished working class mother holding a baby; advertising the "GeSoLei", an exhibition in Düsseldorf on healthcare. Lithograph after R. Waller, 1926.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings on one of the walls in the first gallery. Engraving, 1775.
  • A white telephone advertising AIDS counselling services offered by health authorities and and voluntary organizations; with the message ''One does not get AIDS from beer". Colour lithograph by Papen, Hansen, 199-.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings on one of the walls in the first gallery. Engraving by C. von Mechel, 1776.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: seven paintings on the staircase. Engraving, 1775, after G.J. Karsch.