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2,840 results filtered with: Condoms
  • The side profile of the face of Gladys, a black woman with red lips with speech bubbles containing a conversation with Steve about the use of condoms; advertisement for safe sex by the N.I.A.D. (Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs). Colour lithograph by Laren, Tadberg Design.
  • Wherever you travel, however you travel, mind how you go : avoiding the risks of HIV for travellers : Travel Safe, advice from the Department of Health.
  • A condom with a message in English and Chinese about safe sex and the risk of AIDS; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the Training and Health Education Department, Ministry of Health in Singapore. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Women now... Take Care / HIV/AIDS Team, Lothian Health Board.
  • AIDS and sex : what everyone should know / issued by the Scottish Health Education Group.
  • Prise de risque: que faire? : en cas de prise de risque: ... rapport non protégé, rupture de préservatif, éjaculation dans la bouche... : le T.P.E. (Traitement Post Exposition) : 48h pour agir / SNEG, santé et prévention.
  • Quels souvenirs vais-je ramener de vacance? : Sida, pour fair face, parlez-en! / Étudiants Contre le Sida.
  • Tales of gay sex. 15, Bhangra beat / Terrence Higgins Trust, Naz project.
  • A condom with an open packet and the message in French: "Those who believe there is a vaccine against AIDS - this is what it looks like"; advertisement by Ministére des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la Ville. Colour lithograph by M. Descottes, 1995 (?).
  • Varieties of condoms representing an advertisement for safe sex and AIDS Hotlines by the CATF Columbus AIDS Task Force. Colour lithograph.
  • Recto: a woman holds up a condom to a man in bed as cupid aims to shoot a heart arrow towards them; verso: numerous cupids with condoms attached to his arrow with four cartoon vignettes and text relating to safe sex, STI's and condoms; an advertisement by SOA Stichting. Colour lithograph by Gerrit de Jager, January 1992.
  • C-Card? : free condoms ... The card service ... pick-up points .. protect yourself and your partner ... sexual health services ... emergency contraception ... how to put a condom on ... / Edinburgh Healthcare NHS Trust, Take Care campaign (Lothian Health Promotion Department).
  • Parlons Q : le sexe gay dans tous ses états.
  • Capote = le moyen + simple pour te protéger du VIH et des IST : pour lutter contre les infections sexuellement transmissibles, faites-vous dépister régulièrement / ENIPSE, Équipe nationale d'intervention en prévention et santé pour les entreprises.
  • You are now in a safer sex zone : condoms can prevent AIDS, cervical cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, other S.T.D.s & pregnancy.
  • Good sex: healthy sex : what everyone should know about STDs / Durex Information Service for Sexual Health, LRC Products Ltd.
  • The sun with a smiling face and a condom with the message in French: "On holiday I forget everything except a condom"; a safe sex advertisement by the Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la ville, L'Europe contre le SIDA and the SIDA Info Service. Colour lithograph by L'Agence Verte.
  • London lube : make a pass / GMFA.
  • C-Card / Lothian Health Board.
  • Great safer sex for grown-ups : if you thought that safer sex was boring, or dull, or not 'real' sex, read on / produced by Women's Health Information Mobile ... with assistance from Aidsline, the Health Promotion Service, Enfield Health Authority.
  • Histoires de mecs : accident avec un extra : que faire pour soi, pour son couple / SNEG, prévention, IPSR ; Pascal d'Ameyal [photography].
  • Update : December 1986 : special AIDS issue / Family Planning Sales Limited.
  • Conquer AIDS : the safest weapons, condoms and lube / Gay Men Fighting AIDS (Organization) ; photo: Hywel Williams.
  • AIDS, the test : yes or no? / Health Education Authority.
  • Contrary to popular belief, sexually transmitted infections and sexual activity with multiple partners are common in the Indian subcontinent in both rural and urban areas : Availability of good quality condoms while abroad can be difficult. so be prepared and take a good supply with you / Brent & Harrow fund this initiative ; this poster was jointly produced by Asian Women's Resource Centre and The Naz Project London.
  • Female catkins on a willow tree, representing an archaic Chinese nickname for sexually transmitted diseases, with the message that AIDS is worse. Colour lithograph by AIDS Concern, Hong Kong, ca. 1997.
  • Saint Michel : Paris plasirs, Paris capotes / Mairie de Paris.
  • Think. Talk. Time to test? : HIV testing in and around London / CHAPS, Community HIV and AIDS Prevention Strategy.
  • Il a sauvé encore plus de vies que Le Frelon V..t : contre le VIH et les autres IST, les préservatifs sont les plus grand des héros / SNEG, prévention ; conception graphique: Lucas Descroix.
  • A green wall bearing numerous German graffiti phrases about sex with a pair of lips, a drawing of a bottom, an arrowed heart bearing the letters 'T + B' and an umbrella; an advertisement for condoms as a protection against AIDS by the Authority of Labor, Health and Social Affairs, Hamburg. Colour lithograph.