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271 results filtered with: Childbirth
  • Obstetrics: Breech presentation
  • Eleven decorated initials from the Basel 1555 edition of Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica. Woodcuts, 1555.
  • A jolly surgeon picks up a newly-delivered baby and asks for its ticket of arrival. Colour process print after by D.E. Galanis, c. 1910.
  • Text to accompany illustration of a birthing chair
  • A new-born child being given its first bath. Engraving, 1800.
  • An information sheet about an anti-AIDS poster exhibition designed and produced by Artis as part of a collaboration with the Unesco/WHO AIDS prevention education programme; with explanation about the contamination risks of HIV infected women to their children through pregnancy and childbirth. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • A woman representing Nature gives a baby to a mother; representing man's vulnerable and naked birth. Engraving by P. Galle, 1563.
  • Myrrha, being transformed into the myrrh tree, gives birth to Adonis. Engraving by M. Faulte, 1619.
  • A bemused husband querying a doctor as to how his wife of only six months can have already given birth to a child. Wood engraving, 1838.
  • A woman representing Nature gives a baby to a mother; representing man's vulnerable and naked birth. Engraving by P. Galle, 1563.
  • Plate 1. An "easy chair" for pregnant and lying-in women
  • The birth of a baby. Oil painting after (?) Lambert Sustris.
  • Aristolochia clematitis (Birthwort, Heartwort)
  • A woman seated on a obstetrical chair giving birth aided by a midwife who works beneath her skirts. Woodcut.
  • A midwife wrapping the Virgin Mary in swaddling clothes after receiving her first bath, Anna is recuperating in bed. Engraving by P. de Surugue after Pietro da Cortona.
  • Nine diagrams illustrating breech and natural births and the obstetrical instruments used to assist them. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • Childbirth: sinister obstetricians and anaesthetist extract the baby from the mother. Drawing by R. Ennis, 2005.
  • A group of female travellers washing and taking care of a new born baby while the mother recovers in a tent. Coloured aquatint by C. Rugendas after G. Rugendas I, 1702.
  • A cross-section of a pregnant woman's body just before she gives birth. Engraving by J. Chapman, 1821.
  • Preceptos generales sobre las operaciones de los partos : este tratado es una exposicion completa del arte obstetrice, en el qual se explican con la mayor especies de partos : esta adicionado con advertencias y notas de lo mejor que han escrito los profesores modernos : ilustrado con observaciones prácticas muy instructivas, y adornado con láminas finas : escrito particularmente para la instruccion de los cirujanos partidarios / Don Joseph Ventura Pastor.
  • The birth of a baby. Oil painting after (?) Lambert Sustris.
  • A mother giving birth to a baby. Oil painting, 1800.
  • Four diagrams of babies in the womb. Engraving by W. Taylor, 1791, after F. Birnie after W. Smellie.
  • Cabbalistic amulet for safe pregnancy, 18th c.
  • The son of the Duke of Burgundy about to be breast fed by his mother Mary Adelaide of Savoy, 1707. Engraving.
  • The birth of the Virgin Mary, she is seated on Anna's knee and surrounded by Joachim and adoring attendants. Engraving after E. Grazini the younger.
  • The birth of the Virgin Mary, Anna rests in bed while the child is looked at in wonder. Line engraving by R. van Audenaerd after A. Carracci.
  • Four cross-sections of figures of the pregnant uterus. Engraving by A. Bell.
  • Preceptos generales sobre las operaciones de los partos : este tratado es una exposicion completa del arte obstetrice, en el qual se explican con la mayor especies de partos : esta adicionado con advertencias y notas de lo mejor que han escrito los profesores modernos : ilustrado con observaciones prácticas muy instructivas, y adornado con láminas finas : escrito particularmente para la instruccion de los cirujanos partidarios / Don Joseph Ventura Pastor.
  • The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke : Newly set furth, corrected and augmented. Whose co[n]tentes ye maye rede in the table of the booke, and most playnly in the prologue / By Thomas Raynold phisition.