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312 results filtered with: Astronomy
  • Women representing architecture and astronomy. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Chapman, 1803, after R. Corbould.
  • Astronomy: a diagram of the sun, and various effects of sunlight. Coloured engraving.
  • Galileo Galilei. Line engraving by C. Audran the elder after F. Villamena, 1655-56.
  • Astronomy: the surface of the moon. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including an shipwreck, a mob by St Paul's Cathedral, people dying from Cholera [?], and Hibernia pleading with Britannia [?]. Coloured lithograph, [c.1872?].
  • Navigation: an astrolabe, a cross-staff, and a back-staff or Davis's sextant. Drawing after Edmund Gunter, 1624.
  • The posthumous works of Robert Hooke ... containing his Cutlerian lectures, and other discourses, read at the meetings of the illustrious Royal Society ... Illustrated with sculptures. To these discourses is prefixt the author's life, giving an account of his studies and employments, with an enumeration of the many experiments, instruments, contrivances and inventions, by him made and produc'd as Curator of Experiments to the Royal Society / publish'd by Richard Waller.
  • Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles. And made easy to those who have not studied mathematics / To which are added, a plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun, by the transit of Venus over the sun's disc, in the year 1761. An account of Mr. Horrox's observation of the transit of Venus in the year 1639; and, of the distances of all the planets from the sun, as deduced from observations of the transit in the year 1761. By James Ferguson.
  • Christophori Clavii ... In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius. Nunc iterum ab ipso Auctore recognitus, et multis ac varÿs locis locupletatus / [Christoph Clavius].
  • Astronomy: the corona of the sun, viewed during a total solar eclipse. Process print after a photograph, 1878.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a mob by the Palace of Westminster [?], a mob being addressed by an orator in the City of London, and a paddle-steamer blowing up. Coloured lithograph, [c.1844?].
  • Astronomy: a quadrant and a sextant. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: Venus with Cupid, and an angel above looking downward. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1695, after Raphael, 1516.
  • Astrology: the Egyptian zodiac. Coloured engraving by J. Chapman after V. Denon.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including earthquake, war, and shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1833?].
  • The moon, viewed in oblique sunlight. Stipple engraving, 1806, by J. Russell.
  • A woman looks at herself in her mirror; a man looks through a telescope; representing the sense of sight. Engraving by A. Bosse after himself, ca. 1650.
  • Sidereus, nuncius magna longeqve admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaque proponens vnicuique praesertim vero philosophis, atque astronomis / quae a Galileo Galileo ... perspicilli nuper a sereperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lvnae facie, fixis innvmeris, lacteo circvlo stellis nebvlosis, apprime vero in qvatvor planetis circa Iovis stellam disparibus interuallis, atque periodis, celeritate mirabili circumuolutis; quos, nemini in hanc vsque diem cognitos, nouissime auctor deprehendit primus; atque medicea sidera nvncvpandos decrevit.
  • Astronomy: a large refracting telescope. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: a large orrery, mounted on a dodecahedral base, decorated with signs of the zodiac. Engraving.
  • At the Royal British School Rooms, Harp Alley, Farringdon Street, on Tuesday, 27th of Dec. 1831 at seven o'clock, a scientific lecture on the natural history of animals : ... on Thursday, 29th of Dec. 1831, at seven o'clock, a lecture on astronomy ... / will be delivered by by Mr. Henry Althans.
  • A female figure among astronomical apparatus: representing astronomy. Stipple engraving, 1795, after C-N. Cochin the younger, 1773.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a funeral, war, and riotous assembly. Coloured lithograph, [c.1838?].
  • The flight into Egypt in the night, illuminated by the moon and the milky way. Engraving by H. Goudt, 1613, after A. Elsheimer, 1609.
  • Astronomy: a diagram of the phases of the moon, and the rings of Saturn. Engraving.
  • Astrology: signs of the zodiac, Aquarius. Coloured engraving.
  • Astronomy: comets in a night sky appearing over Heidelberg in 1618. Engraving.
  • Astronomy: five diagrams of the surface of the moon, during its phases. Aquatint after Galileo Galilei.
  • Astronomy: various apocalyptic scenes, including a volcanic eruption, war, and shipwreck. Coloured lithograph, [c.1833?].
  • Astronomy: the open air observatory at Delhi. Coloured aquatint by Thomas Daniell, 1815.