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26 results filtered with: Apes
  • A monkey-alchemist pumps a bellows in a laboratory; alluding to the vanity of alchemy. Process print after J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A monkey surgeon prepares to treat a monkey patient with a clyster, the latest French fashion accessory. Line engraving, ca. 1660.
  • A sleeping pedlar's posterior is examined by monkeys, who play with his goods. Line engraving after P. van Harlingen after P. Bruegel, c. 1610.
  • Apes' skulls: six figures showing ape heads and an ape skull from the front and in profile. Line engraving, 1780/1800?.
  • Birds and animals in a neo-classical garden: ape, cassowary, pheasant, ostrich, swallow, peacocks and peahens. Etching by J. Griffier, ca. 1655, after F. Barlow.
  • A monkey holding a clyster in an apothecary's shop. Engraving by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
  • Apes playing with a goldsmith's apparatus. Engraving by Nicolaes de Bruyn, ca 1621.
  • An ape in military attire, sitting astride a hog, confronts a baboon, also in military attire, who sits astride a bear. Engraving by F. Barlow, ca. 1679/1680.
  • A barber-surgeon's house, where monkeys shave cats and let blood. Line engraving, c. 1660, after D. Teniers II.
  • Five apes: orangutan, Barbary ape, baboon, leonine monkey and varied monkey. Etching by J. Scott, ca. 1808.
  • A monkey patient being treated by a monkey surgeon with a clyster, the latest French fashion accessory. Line engraving, c. 1660.
  • An orang-utan carrying a girl into a tree as a man shoots arrows from below. Coloured engraving by J. Chapman, ca. 1795, after J.B. Ihle.
  • An alchemist's laboratory inhabited by monkeys: to the right they are shown calling at the poorhouse, destitute after their obsessive, fruitless experiments. Etching by P. van der Borcht, ca. 1580.
  • A gang of hunters pretend to wash their eyes with a slimy substance, thus fooling the monkeys, who 'ape' them and blind themselves, allowing the hunters to move in. Line engraving by J. Collaert after J. van der Straet, c. 1610.
  • An ape in military attire, sitting astride a hog, confronts a baboon, also in military attire, who sits astride a bear. Engraving by F. Barlow, ca. 1679/1680.
  • Apes, some in clothes, sitting below a forest tree and using a log as a see-saw. Etching.
  • Sarawak: an adult orang-utan (Simia satyrus). Photograph.
  • Two orang-utans wearing clothes and drinking tea. Coloured lithograph by Day & Haghe after W Hawkins.
  • Sarawak: a baby orang-utan (Simia satyrus). Photograph.
  • An unkempt ape on crutches tells his mates that he has returned from being an experimental animal at a congress of gastroenterologists. Colour lithograph after G. De Finetti, ca. 1904.
  • A monkey holding a clyster in an apothecary's shop. Engraving after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A monkey-alchemist pumps a bellows in a laboratory; alluding to the vanity of alchemy. Process print after J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers the younger.
  • Thirteen different mammals ranging from apes, rodents and marsupials to a whale. Coloured lithograph.
  • Skeleton of an ape. Etching, 1800/1850?.
  • A monkey barber's shop. Engraving after P. van der Borcht.
  • An monkey-alchemist pumps a bellows in a laboratory; alluding to the vanity of alchemy. Engraving by J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers II.