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16 results filtered with: Landscape paintings
  • Mountains. Oil painting.
  • The bank of a lake in Japan with trees, possibly keyaki trees (Zelkova serrata). Watercolour.
  • Old trunk of a toddy palm tree (Caryota urens). Watercolour by H. Schlagintweit.
  • Japanese huts and trees on two outcrops of rock either side of a channel of water. Watercolour.
  • Palmyra palm trees (Borassus flabellifer) near Madras, India. Watercolour by H. Schlagintweit, 1855.
  • Buildings on low-lying land by a river. Oil painting.
  • A view out to sea from on shore, with trees and a tall wooden tower in the foreground. Watercolour.
  • Two hills and some trees by a lake over which stretches a high bridge. Watercolour.
  • Steep grassy banks at the water's edge with shrubs and rocks at their base. Watercolour.
  • Old fir tree (Abies webbiana) with pendulous lichens. Watercolour, c.1856.
  • Mountains. Oil painting.
  • Buildings on low-lying land by a river. Oil painting.
  • Young juniper tree (Juniperus nigra) on a ridge top in Nepal. Watercolour by H. Schlagintweit, 1855.
  • The Israelites' encampment in the wilderness of Paran after the Exodus from Egypt: God manifests himself in the form of a cloud. Watercolour by J.J. Derghi, 1866.
  • Old poplar tree (Populus euphrasica) with stone monuments in Ladák, Kashmir. Watercolour by H. Schlagintweit, 1856.
  • Amatikulu, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa: a settlement for people with leprosy. Watercolour by E. Schwarz, 1920/1950 (?).