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20 results filtered with: William R. Geddie
  • NK T-cell lymphoma is a highly aggressive cancer of a specific type of immune cell called lymphoid cells, and is associated with the Epstein Barr virus (glandular fever). In later stages of the disease, the lymphoma can spread to the lymph nodes, as in this case.
  • FNA Lung abscess
  • Metastatic seminoma of supraclavicular lymph node
  • Myxoid liposarcoma, microscopy
  • PNET MGG 63x 2
  • Thyroid nodule smear showing hematoidin crystals
  • MGG stained smear of a C2 vertebral chordomal mass
  • Calcium oxalate crystals in urinary sediment
  • Squamous carcinoma of lacrimal gland, microscopy
  • Charcot Leyden crystals from an endobronchial lesion
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • Papanicolaou stained smear of a clival chordoma, microscopy. Chordomas are cancers formed of cells which resemble those of the notochord (spine) of a developing foetus. Although they can present anywhere within the spine and skull, the majority grow in the sacral region of the spine, corresponding to the lower back. This image shows a Papanicolaou (Pap) stained smear obtained from a needle biopsy of a chordoma in the clivus, a part of the cranium at the base of the skull.
  • Section of a cystic mass isolated from the parotid gland
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • Multinucleated giant cell containing an asteroid, microscopy.
  • Spirochete presentation in inguinal lymph node section
  • Papanicolaou stained smear of a C2 vertebral chordomal mass, microscopy. Chordomas are cancers formed of cells which resemble those of the notochord (spine) of a developing foetus. Although they can present anywhere within the spine and skull, the majority grow in the sacral region of the spine, corresponding to the lower back. This image shows a Papanicolaou (pap) stained smear obtained from a needle biopsy of a chordoma of the C2 vertebrae, located at the top of the neck just underneath the base of the skull.
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis CSF
  • Parotid Cyst amylase crystals 1
  • Filariform larva - Strongyloides stercoralis