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22 results
  • Cell bodies and axons of the mesencephalic
  • Fractal pattern based on the Mandelbrot set
  • Cell division and gene expression in the
  • Sensory cell in a leech ganglion
  • Beta ganglion cells in the retina
  • in situ hybridisation to avian hindbrain
  • Neuronal precursor cell culture
  • Computer generated fractal pattern
  • Alpha cell in the ferret retina
  • Quail-chick chimeric hindbrain
  • Type 1 ganglion cell in hamster retina
  • Fractal pattern based on Julia set
  • Alpha cell in the ferret retina
  • Occulomotor nerve and occulomotor nucleus
  • Sensory cell in a leech ganglion
  • Type 1 ganglion cell in hamster retina
  • Radial glia in the optic tectum
  • Alpha cell in the ferret retina
  • "loose" gamma ganglion cell from the retina
  • Fractal pattern based on Julia set
  • Fluorescent microspheres in the cortex
  • "loose" gamma ganglion cell from the retina