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51 results
  • Edward Hatton. Line engraving by R. White, 1696.
  • Edward Hatton. Line engraving by R. White, 1696, after himself.
  • A white fronted heron. Etching by S. T. Edwards after A. Latham.
  • Cudweed (Gnaphalium congestum): flowering stem. Coloured engraving by C. White, c. 1817, after S. Edwards.
  • A campion plant (Silene species): flowering stem and floral segments. Coloured engraving by C. White, c. 1817, after S. Edwards.
  • Eddie Edwards, an actor in drag, wearing a white fabric robe, holding a bouquet of flowers. Photographic postcard by L.E. Muller, 191-.
  • Eddie Edwards, an actor in drag, wearing a white fabric robe, holding a bouquet of flowers. Photographic postcard by L.E. Muller, 191-.
  • [Leaflet advertising farewell appearances (prior to their departure for Paris) by The Royal American Midgets: General Mite, his father, E.F. Flynn and Miss Millie Edwards at the Piccadilly Hall, London (1884?). Printed on white paper].
  • [Leaflet advertising farewell appearances (prior to their departure for Paris) by The Royal American Midgets: General Mite, his father, E.F. Flynn and Miss Millie Edwards at the Piccadilly Hall, London (1884?). Printed on white paper].
  • A group of Chelsea Pensioners disputing in the Hall at the Royal Hospital. Colour lithograph after E.R. White.
  • The Key to unknowne knowledge. Or, a shop of five windowes ... Consisting of five necessarie treatises: namely, 1. The Judgement of urines. 2. Judiciall rules of physicke. 3. Questions of oyles. 4. Opinions for curing of harquebush-shot. 5. A discourse of humane nature.
  • The Key to unknowne knowledge. Or, a shop of five windowes ... Consisting of five necessarie treatises: namely, 1. The Judgement of urines. 2. Judiciall rules of physicke. 3. Questions of oyles. 4. Opinions for curing of harquebush-shot. 5. A discourse of humane nature.
  • A treatise of the plague: containing the nature, signes, and accidents of the same, with the certaine and absolute cure of the fevers, botches, and carbuncles that raigne in these times: and above all things most singular experiments and preservatives in the same, gathered by the observation of divers worthy travailers, and selected out of the writings of the best learned phisitians in this age.
  • Annual report for the year 1929-30 : 32nd year of issue adopted by the Board on 29 March 1930 / Metropolitan Asylums Board.
  • Queen Victoria, seated in an armchair by an open fire, day-dreaming about illustrious men of her reign. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 1887.
  • Edward F. Bland. Photograph, 1931.
  • A skull on the seabed, with seaweed growing on it and a fish swimming past. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • A skull on the seabed, with seaweed growing on it and a fish swimming past. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • Edward Garratt in character as "The little stranger"; performs a scene. Photographic postcard, ca. 1906.
  • Edward Garratt in character as "The little stranger"; performs a scene. Photographic postcard, ca. 1906.
  • Edwards' desiccated soups : makes rich gravies, tasty stews and delicious hashes / Fredk. King & Co., Ltd., 3, 4, 5, 6, Camomile Street, London, E.C.
  • Edwards' desiccated soups : makes rich gravies, tasty stews and delicious hashes / Fredk. King & Co., Ltd., 3, 4, 5, 6, Camomile Street, London, E.C.
  • Use dessiccated soup : tomato / Fred.k King & Co. Ltd.
  • Use dessiccated soup : tomato / Fred.k King & Co. Ltd.
  • After the battle / [illustrated by] G.H. Edwards.
  • After the battle / [illustrated by] G.H. Edwards.
  • Imperial Theatre, Westminster : Royal American Midgets : General Mite, the smallest perfect man the world has ever produced now in his 18th year.
  • Imperial Theatre, Westminster : Royal American Midgets : General Mite, the smallest perfect man the world has ever produced now in his 18th year.
  • "Mama, shall I have beautiful long hair like you when I grow up?" : "Certainly my dear, if you use 'Edwards' Harlene'." / Edwards' Harlene Co.
  • "Mama, shall I have beautiful long hair like you when I grow up?" : "Certainly my dear, if you use 'Edwards' Harlene'." / Edwards' Harlene Co.