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135 results
  • Representing a female suffering from Venereal disease while in a state of pregnancy
  • J. Hunter, A teatise on the venereal disease
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • Syphilis : a practical dissertation on the venereal disease.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • A treatise on the venereal disease / By John Hunter.
  • Skulls infected with venereal disease: two figures. Line engraving by C. Grignion, ca. 1788.
  • A man trapped in the letters VD (venereal disease), representing untreated sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph, 195- (?).
  • A brief treatise on venereal disease and spermatorrhœa : its cause and cure / by S. Gould.
  • A serviceman prevented by venereal disease from joining his ship. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • A serviceman prevented by venereal disease from joining his ship. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • A serviceman prevented by venereal disease from joining his ship. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • The scourge of Venus and Mercury, represented in a treatise of the venereal disease ... / By J. Sintelaer.
  • The hand of an American sailor about to pick up a lace handkerchief representing venereal disease. Colour lithograph, 1948.
  • An American sailor sitting on a hospital bed, prevented by venereal disease from joining his ship. Colour lithograph, ca. 1948.
  • A boy casting the shadow of an adult, referring to the danger of inherited venereal disease. Colour lithograph after Reginald Mount.
  • An American sailor sits disconsolately in his pyjamas, regretting his infection with a venereal disease incurable with penicillin. Colour lithograph, ca. 1948.
  • The United States Army in World War II: deployment of troops in Europe and the Pacific, and prevention of venereal disease. Colour lithograph, December 1945.
  • An American soldier running to escape a thunderbolt in the form of the letters VD, representing venereal disease. Colour lithograph by F.O. Schiffers, 1946.
  • The United States Army in World War II: deployment of troops in Europe and the Pacific, and prevention of venereal disease. Colour lithograph, December 1945.
  • Selections from the works of Abraham Colles : consisting chiefly of his practical observations on the venereal disease, and on the use of mercury / edited, with annotations, by Robert McDonnell.
  • Hygiene in the British army in Italy: a soldier interprets a statue of Venus lacking the head and an arm as the consequences of venereal disease. Drawing by Stacey Hopper, ca. 1944.
  • "Local authorities and... venereal diseases" 1917
  • Sir Thomas Barlow "The problem of venereal diseases..." 1917
  • Sir T. Barlow "The incidence of venereal diseases..." 1917
  • Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Asteraceae. Coneflower. Distribution: North America. Austin (2004) records that the roots were chewed, or used as a tincture for coughs by the Choctaw. Combined with Rhus typhina to treat venereal disease by the Delaware. Very little record of this being used by Native Americans, who used E. angustifolia very widely - Regarded as a panacea and magical herb. This and E. pallida were used to treat snakebite, spider bite, cancer, toothache, burns, sores, wounds, flu and colds. E. purpurea in modern times has been used as an ‘immunostimulant’, but is known to cause a fall in white cell count, and to be purely a placebo. Licensed for use as a Traditional Herbal Medicine, which does not require proof of efficacy, in the UK. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.