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44 results
  • A surgery and barbershop. Coloured lithograph attributed to C. Mohr.
  • Diagrams illustrating how to perform a mastectomy and cauterise the wound. Pen drawing by ZS (?), 19--, after an engraving, 1603.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a patient. Etching by A. Brambilla.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Two physicians applying the method of cauterisation to clearly defined points of the back and side of two patients. Pen drawing after an Anglo Saxon tenth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon treating an elderly man's foot, his wife observes the scene. Pen drawing after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A surgeon treating an irate patient's wounded leg in his surgery assisted by two attendants. Engraving.
  • Thigasin "Henning" : Scmerzlindernde Tihgenolsalbe nach Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. med. H. Walther-Giessen.
  • Thigasin "Henning" : Scmerzlindernde Tihgenolsalbe nach Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. med. H. Walther-Giessen.
  • Two surgeons applying the method of cauterisation to clearly defined points on the chests of two male patients, the senior surgeon wears a pointed hat (?). Pen drawing after an Anglo Saxon tenth century manuscript.
  • Two surgeons treating two seated male patients in a surgery, many surgeons' dishes are hanging from the ceiling. Line engraving by W. Kilian, 1652, after C. Ortz.
  • Two surgeons treating two seated male patients in a surgery, many surgeons' dishes are hanging from the ceiling. Line engraving by W. Kilian, 1652, after C. Ortz.
  • A surgeon opening an abcess on the arm of a reclining man who is leaning on the lap of the surgeon's assistant. Colour stipple engraving by S. Mulinari, 1796, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • A travelling chiropodist tending to a male patient's foot, Beijing. Wood engraving by T.H. Hildibrand after E. Ronjat after J. Thomson.
  • An operator treating a patient's foot; a crowd of people is gathered around watching the work. Line engraving by P. Quast.
  • A surgeon applying a cautery iron to clearly defined points on a woman's lower abdomen (indicating spleen?). Pen drawing after a tenth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon applying a cautery iron to clearly defined points on a woman's lower abdomen (indicating the liver?). Pen drawing after a tenth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon applying a cautery iron to clearly defined points on a woman's lower abdomen (indicating spleen?). Pen drawing after a tenth century manuscript.
  • A surgeon bandaging a patient's knee after applying a cautery, a clergy man and a wealthy patron (?) are observing the situation. Engraving.
  • An operator treating a patient's foot; a crowd of people is gathered around watching the work. Line engraving by P. Quast.
  • An operator treating a patient's foot; a crowd of people is gathered around watching the work. Line engraving by P. Quast.
  • Samuel Wood, a man whose shoulder and arm were torn off in an accident at a mill. Engraving by Cook.
  • Samuel Wood, a man whose shoulder and arm were torn off in an accident at a mill. Engraving, 1737.
  • Four vignettes demonstrating different cauterisation points on naked human bodies. Watercolour after a twelfth century manuscript.
  • Samuel Wood, a man whose shoulder and arm were torn off in an accident at a mill. Engraving, 1737.
  • Samuel Wood, a man whose shoulder and arm were torn off in an accident at a mill. Engraving.