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10 results
  • An extinct parrot, Ara gossei, perched on a branch. Colour halftone after J. Smit.
  • Bones and cross-sections of bones of an okapi, a giraffe and a samotherium. Lithograph by P. J. Smit.
  • Richard Owen standing next to the skeleton of the Dinornis maximus (the extinct  New Zealand moa). Halftone after J. Smit after a photograph.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen. Mezzotint by J. Smith, 1691, after C. Smith.
  • William of Orange on his sickbed in Rotterdam in August 1574. Line engraving by T. Koning, 1782, after J. Buys.
  • Ferrites / Philips Technical Library.
  • Ferrites / Philips Technical Library.
  • Ferrites / Philips Technical Library.
  • Ferrites / Philips Technical Library.
  • A fox in a monk's habit is apparently deeply engrossed in praying while it approaches the chicken run outside the monastery. Etching by A. Fox after J. Wolf.