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59 results
  • An operating room in a surgery: three patients are undergoing operations. Pen drawing by Z.S. after an engraving, 1690.
  • An operating room in a surgery: three patients are undergoing operations. Pen drawing by Z.S. after an engraving, 1690.
  • A surgeon performing a paracentesis on an obese man, whose swollen abdomen has a cannula inserted into it, and is subsequently releasing fluid into a basin. Pen drawing by Z.S. after an engraving, 1672.
  • Two surgeons treating the same patient, one is removing an arrow from his chest whilst the other is boring a hole into the patient's knee accompanied by two assistants and an onlooker. Pen drawing by ZS.
  • Two surgeons treating the same patient, one is removing an arrow from his chest whilst the other is boring a hole into the patient's knee accompanied by two assistants and an onlooker. Pen drawing by ZS.
  • A bungee cord is compared to the rubber of a condom, both representing life-savers; part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Clint Adam Smyth and Ad Design.
  • A woman holding a baby representing women at risk for HIV; as part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Calder Bateman and Darklight Studios.
  • A condom with a message to women about the need to use condoms to prevent the spread of HIV; part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Greg Gerla/West 11th Photography.
  • A woman holds up a condom with a message about abstinence and safe sex; advertisement by Continental PIR Communications. Lithograph by Rod Newbery.
  • Nine posters promoting the benefits of sexual abstinence and warnings about the importance of condoms and safe sex by the National AIDS Stategy, Health Canada. Lithograph.
  • The Holy Cross, surrounded by Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch, and Saint John Nepomuk, and (above) the appearance of the Trinity; serving as an amulet against plagues, witchcraft etc. Coloured etching.
  • The Holy Cross with Saint Sebastian, Saint Roch and Saint John Nepomuk, serving as an amulet against plagues, witchcraft etc. Coloured woodcut.
  • New Zealand nurse honoured 7-11-44 / Central Press Photos Ltd. incorporating Central News Illustrations Service.
  • New Zealand nurse honoured 7-11-44 / Central Press Photos Ltd. incorporating Central News Illustrations Service.
  • A vodka bottle on its side driven like a sports car; representing people who drink and drive as criminals. Colour lithograph by Z. Waszewski, 1961.
  • The castel of helth / gathered and made by Syr Thomas Elyot knyghte, out of the chiefe authors of physyke, wherby euery manne may knowe the state of his owne body, the preservation of helth, and how to instructe welle his physytion in syckenes that he be not deceyued.
  • The castel of helth / gathered and made by Syr Thomas Elyot knyghte, out of the chiefe authors of physyke, wherby euery manne may knowe the state of his owne body, the preservation of helth, and how to instructe welle his physytion in syckenes that he be not deceyued.
  • Société Zoologique de France: the zoologist Charles Schlumberger looking at sea-creatures through a stethoscope, with Jules Richard as a sailor looking on, illustrating the menu of the society's dinner. Line block by J.T.C., 1903.
  • Vitae Caesarum cvm Philippi Beroaldi et Marci Antonii Sabellici commentariis. Cum figvris nvper additis / [Caius Suetonius Tranquillus].
  • A palm tree (Socratea exorrhiza (Mart.) H. Wendl.) in Guyana, with aerial roots. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • A palm tree (Desmoncus horridus Splitg. ex Mart. ssp. horridus) in Guyana: liane with fruit. Watercolour by E.A. Goodall, 1846.
  • The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons / [John Howard].
  • Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants. Or, an herball of large extent: containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the access of many hundred new ... plants from all parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall material ... and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property ... collected ... / by John Parkinson Apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist.
  • Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants. Or, an herball of large extent: containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the access of many hundred new ... plants from all parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall material ... and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property ... collected ... / by John Parkinson Apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist.
  • Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants. Or, an herball of large extent: containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the access of many hundred new ... plants from all parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall material ... and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property ... collected ... / by John Parkinson Apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist.
  • Theatrum botanicum: the theater of plants. Or, an herball of large extent: containing therein a more ample and exact history and declaration of the physicall herbs and plants that are in other authours, encreased by the access of many hundred new ... plants from all parts of the world, with sundry gummes, and other physicall material ... and a most large demonstration of their natures and vertues. Distributed into sundry classes or tribes, for the more easie knowledge of the many herbes of one nature and property ... collected ... / by John Parkinson Apothecary of London, and the Kings herbarist.
  • A catalogue of printed books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library / with a foreword by Sir Henry Hallett Dale.
  • A catalogue of printed books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library / with a foreword by Sir Henry Hallett Dale.
  • A catalogue of printed books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library / with a foreword by Sir Henry Hallett Dale.
  • A catalogue of printed books in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library / with a foreword by Sir Henry Hallett Dale.