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71 results
  • Giv kills Tahzav in revenge for the death of Bahram
  • A butcher threatening a doctor with revenge for poisoning his wife. Etching by J. Kent, 1782, after P.V.
  • Twenty-three loyal retainers assigned to attack the main gate on their mission for revenge. Colour woodcut by Kunisada I, 1847/1850.
  • Men with clubs break down the door of a London brothel to take their revenge for being robbed. Engraving, ca. 1795.
  • An episode in The maid's tragedy: Evadne kills the king in his bed in revenge for his having raped her. Etching by E. Kirkall after F. Boitard.
  • The oath of Henri de Guise: he and his mother look at a painting of the assassination of his father, and vow revenge. Wood engraving by H. Linton after H. Rousseau after P.-C. Comte, 1864.
  • A duel on horseback between Alvar Sánchez and Gonzalo Gomez, watched by Doña Lambra: Alvar Sánchez is killed. Etching by A. Tempesta after O. Vaenius.
  • Arabic Kufic calligraphy, A passage from the Qur'an
  • The seven sons of Lara take vengeance on Doña Lambra's servant for insulting Gonzalo Gomez: they kill the servant in front of Doña Lambra and smear her cloak in his blood. Etching by A. Tempesta after O. Vaenius.
  • Achilles dragging the body of Hector around Troy. Mezzotint after G. Hamilton, 1794.
  • A pack of hounds chases a huntsmen up a tree with the mounted huntsmen looking on. Etching by W. S. Howitt, 1816.
  • The murder of Captain Benevente, and the conspiracy and subsequent divine punishment of the culprits. Etching with engraving and letterpress.
  • Mr. Lambkin out walking in Kensington Gardens hoping to bump into his loved one, he discovers her on the arm of another man which causes him much jealousy. Lithograph by G. Cruikshank.
  • A disguised Ravana luring Sita away. Chromolithograph.
  • An old woman is praying for a man to come into her life while a young man is watching from a hole in the roof. Engraving by W. Davison, 181-.
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].
  • Bovril keeps you going / [Bovril Limited].