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370 results
  • Publications list / order form / Sheffield Centre for HIV and Sexual Health.
  • BEIS promotional material / British Egg Information Service.
  • BEIS promotional material / British Egg Information Service.
  • BEIS promotional material / British Egg Information Service.
  • Pharmacopoeia domestica: or, the family dispensatory / [Thomas Fuller].
  • Pharmacopoeia domestica: or, the family dispensatory / [Thomas Fuller].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • The history of the cholera in Exeter in 1832 / [Thomas Shapter].
  • On animal chemistry in its application to stomach and renal diseases / by H. Bence Jones.
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, and on the affections which may be mistaken for them : comprising the author's view of the physiology of the heart's actions and sounds, as demonstrated by his experiments on the motions and sounds in 1830, and on the sounds in 1834-35 / by J. Hope.
  • Saint Martha leading Saint Mary Magdalene up a staircase towards Jesus Christ seated in a temple. Engraving by M. Raimondi, 15--, after Giulio Romano.
  • A practical treatise on the domestic management and most important diseases of advanced life. With an appendix containing a series of cases illustrative of a new and successful mode of treating lumbago, and other forms of chronic rheumatism, sciatica, and other neuralgic affections and certain forms of paralysis / By George E. Day.
  • The evolution of sex / by Professor Patrick Geddes and J. Arthur Thomson.
  • The word 'AIDS', in front of which a naked, weeping woman embraces a skeleton. Colour lithograph.
  • Malaria according to the new researches / by Angelo Celli ; translated from the 2nd Italian edited by John Joseph Eyre ; with an introduction by Patrick Manson.
  • Malaria according to the new researches / by Angelo Celli ; translated from the 2nd Italian edited by John Joseph Eyre ; with an introduction by Patrick Manson.
  • Dandies at the opera, one of them swooning, overcome with emotion. Coloured etching by I.R. Cruikshank, 1818.
  • Two male nudes in the same pose, with a raised right arm, seen from the front and the back. Engraving.
  • A family is about to return from their holiday in a London townhouse. Etching by George Cruikshank after S.K.
  • A family is about to return from their holiday in a London townhouse. Etching by George Cruikshank after S.K.
  • The treatment of the insane without mechanical restraints / by John Conolly.
  • The treatment of the insane without mechanical restraints / by John Conolly.
  • p. 35, Palmer's new catalogue, 1840.