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78 results
  • Christoph Hendrik Riehm. Lithograph by P. Blommers after A. J. Ehnle, 1853.
  • Medical professors at the University of Vienna. Lithograph by J. Stadler, 1856, after A. Prinzhofer, 1853.
  • Medical professors at the University of Vienna. Lithograph by J. Stadler, 1855, after A. Prinzhofer, 1853.
  • Joseph Claude Anthelme Récamier. Mezzotint by A.F. Girard, 1853, after J. B. Paulin-Guérin.
  • Joseph Claude Anthelme Récamier. Mezzotint by A.F. Girard, 1853, after J. B. Paulin-Guérin.
  • Saint John of Nepomucen. Engraving by F. Dinger, 1853, after J.A. Settegast.
  • Andreas Vesalius. Lithograph by Minster et Wiesener (?) after A. Mouilleron, 1853, after E.J.C. Hamman, 1849.
  • A physician recommending some medicine to a young female patient. Coloured lithograph, 1853, by H. Garnier, 1836, after J.L. Canon.
  • Animals dressed as gentlemen and ladies survey the medical advertisements on a wall. Coloured wood engraving by J. Grandville, 1853.
  • The circulatory system: diagram showing the heart, arteries, lungs and major organs, with a cartoon-style face and hands. Watercolour drawing by J.C. Whishaw, ca. 1853.
  • Figures and vignettes: above, a swineherd tending pigs and a herd of cows, below, peasants hauling a carved stone on a pushcart and sportsmen and hussars riding horses. Coloured chalk lithograph by the Becquet brothers after V. J. Adam, 1853.
  • Number of votes in a plebiscite on the appointment of Prince Louis Napoleon as prince-president of France in 1852; in a frame decorated with the dove of peace. Engraving by J.W. Cook, 1853.
  • A blind minstrel is approached by two boys (possibly Kabuki actors) Coloured woodcut by Kunisada I, 1853 (?).
  • Janus.
  • Janus.
  • Mathieu-Joseph-Bonaventure Orfila, Antoine Portal, and Joseph-Claude-Anthelme Récamier, with an allegorical border of plants. Line engraving by C. Geoffroy after A. Roy.
  • An injection against croup at the Hôpital Trousseau, Paris. Photogravure by Bruun Clement, 1899, after P.A.A. Brouillet, 1893.
  • Sixteen French doctors with attributes of their specialties. Colour lithograph by A. Barrère, ca. 1906.
  • Almire René Jacques Lepelletier de La Sarthe. Lithograph by Monnoyer after Z. Belliard.
  • Mont Blanc: travellers outside the cabin on the Grands Mulets. Wood engraving, 1853, after Albert Smith.
  • Bernardus Paludanus. Line engraving by H. Bary after Jan van de Velde after H.G. Pot.
  • The medical directory.
  • The Last Judgment: the graves open and the dead emerge. Line engraving by P. de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • An emaciated old man is transformed by four beauticians. Coloured lithograph by Ch.-J. Fuhr after Ch. Bargue, 1852.
  • The Last Judgment: sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils as a ferry carries new arrivals to the same fate. Line engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • The Last Judgment: the world lies in ruins and sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils. Engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • Bust of a lean male, looking down to his lower right. Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar after Leonardo da Vinci, 1648.
  • Bust of a lean male, looking down to his lower right. Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar after Leonardo da Vinci, 1648.
  • The London and provincial medical directory.
  • Medico-chirurgical transactions.