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27 results
  • Viola canina L. Violaceae Distribution: Europe. Culpeper (1650) writes 'Violets (to whit the blew ones, for I know little or no use of the white ones in physic) ... provoke sleep, loosen the belly, resist fevers, help inflammations, ... ease pains in the head, help the roughness of the windpipe, soreness in the throat, inflammations in the breast and sides, pleurisies, open stoppings of the liver and help the yellow jaundice'. 'Violet leaves, they are cool, ease pains in the head proceeding of heat, and frenzies, either inwardly taken or outwardly applied, heat of the stomach, or inflammation of the lungs.' It still has the same reputation in modern herbal medicine, and while its safety is not known, it is regarded as edible and flowers are used to garnish salads. Larger quantities are emetic – make one vomit. Not licensed for use in Traditional Herbal Medicines in the UK (UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A man with a broken leg is having its muscles stimulated by an electrical machine. Postcard after E. Jones, 1917.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • Bonnell Thornton lying ill in bed, consulting three physicians and pointing out their inadequacies. Coloured etching attributed to C. Williams.
  • A patient sits helplessly in a chair while proponents of different medicines brawl with each other, overturning tables and chairs; beneath, a comic strip and a further six comic episodes. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • A patient sits helplessly in a chair while proponents of different medicines brawl with each other, overturning tables and chairs; beneath, a comic strip and a further six comic episodes. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • Bencao Gangmu -- C.16 Chinese materia medica, Bezoars, etc.
  • Surrey Dispensary for the Relief of the Poor : Union Street, of 178... : having been received as a patient under the care of... by your recommendation, and discharged this day... I beg leave to return my most humble and hearty thanks for the same.
  • Surrey Dispensary for the Relief of the Poor : Union Street, of 178... : having been received as a patient under the care of... by your recommendation, and discharged this day... I beg leave to return my most humble and hearty thanks for the same.
  • Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : having been received as a patient under the care of.
  • Eastern-Dispensary for Relief of the Poor : Great Alie Street, 179 : having been received as a patient under the care of.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • To the Eastern Dispensary in Great Alie Street : I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this of... 179...
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Form which was used to allocate a midwife to a patient
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Form which was used to allocate a midwife to a patient
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • Plan of the Surrey Dispensary, in Montague-Close, near St. Saviour's Church, for administering advice and medicines to the poor inhabitants of the Borough of Southwark, and places adjacent, at the dispensary, or at their own habitations. Instituted in the year 1777.
  • To the Eastern Dispensary in Great Alie Street : I recommend... believing... to be a proper object of this of... 179...
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • Two trees being cultivated by doctors; symbolising the differences claimed by James Morison between the 'organic' and his 'hygeist' approached to health. Lithograph, c. 1835.
  • A horse-drawn hearse pulls away from a doctor's; representing the dire state of the medical establishment according to James Morison, pill-vendor and self-styled 'Hygeian'. Lithograph, c. 1848.