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30 results
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • Vaccinae vindicia; or, defence of vaccination: containing a refutation of the cases, and reasonings on the same, in Dr. Rowley's and Dr. Moseley's late extraordinary pamphlets against vaccination. In two letters to Dr. Moseley. With the Report of the Medical Council of the Royal Jennerian Society. And the debate in the House of Commons (July 2, 1806) on a motion by Lord Henry Petty, for enlightening the people of England on the subject of vaccination ... / [Robert John Thornton].
  • The Boston medical and surgical journal.
  • The Amico-medical Society, (No. 3) Soho Square.
  • Paraphrasis, in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss. ad Regem Almansorem, de singularu[m] corporis partium affectuum curatione, / autore Andrea Wesalio Bruxellensi Medicin[a]e candidato.
  • Paraphrasis, in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss. ad Regem Almansorem, de singularu[m] corporis partium affectuum curatione, / autore Andrea Wesalio Bruxellensi Medicin[a]e candidato.
  • Paraphrasis, in nonum librum Rhazae medici Arabis clariss. ad Regem Almansorem, de singularu[m] corporis partium affectuum curatione, / autore Andrea Wesalio Bruxellensi Medicin[a]e candidato.
  • The Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London : centenary, 1805-1905 / written at the request of the president and council by Norman Moore and Stephen Paget.
  • The Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London : centenary, 1805-1905 / written at the request of the president and council by Norman Moore and Stephen Paget.
  • Catalogue of the Society of Apothecaries, London : who have been examined, and are by act of Parliament exempted from all Parish, Ward and Leet offices, and from serving on juries : incorporated 1617 ... / Frederick Kanmacher.
  • Hints designed to promote beneficence, temperance, and medical science. Vol. 1 / [John Coakley Lettsom].
  • Hints designed to promote beneficence, temperance, and medical science. Vol. 1 / [John Coakley Lettsom].
  • London Society for the Protection of Young Females. Wood engraving.
  • British Medical Association : 73rd annual meeting : Leicester, July 24th to 28th 1905 inclusive : members admission card.
  • A general list of the members of the Royal College of Surgeons in England : members who reside and practise, or who have resided and practised, in or within seven miles of the City of London ... members who do not reside or practise, in or within seven miles of the City of London.
  • We, the court of examiners, chosen and appointed by the master, wardens and assistants of the Society of the Art and Mystery of Apothecaries of the City of London in pursuance of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 55th year of the reign of his majesty King George the third entitled an Act for the better regulating the practice of apothecaries throughout England and Wales, do hereby by virtue of the power & authority invested by the said Act certify that ... has been by us carefully and deliberately examined as to his skills & abilities in the science & practice of medicine ... duly qualified as an apothecary.
  • Royal College of General Practitioners 40th anniversary yearplanner 1993 ... / Atalink Ltd.
  • The London and provincial medical directory.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The healer.
  • The Medical Society of London: John Coakley Lettsom presenting to the society the deeds of 3 Bolt Court, City of London. Stipple engraving by N.C. Branwhite, 1801, after S. Medley, 1800.
  • John Heaviside. Mezzotint by R. Earlom, 1803, after J. Zoffany.
  • Arteries and veins, illustrating an article entitled "Artery" in an encyclopedia. Engraving by J. Mynde, 18th century.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.
  • A family doctor, an obstetrician, a sensationalist author-doctor and a hypnotist; all pruriently satirised under the guise of moralism, as promoted by James Morison and his pharmaceutical company. Lithograph, 1852.