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2,443 results
  • Why will ye die!! / J.D.M. Crockwell, M.D.
  • William Alcocke M. D.
  • Nymphomania, or a dissertation concerning the furor uterinus ... / Written originally in French by M.D.T. de Bienville, M.D., and translated by Edward Sloane Wilmot, M.D.
  • Hugh Falconer M.D. (1808-1865)
  • Portrait of Francis Adams M.D.,
  • E. Hanlan's degree of M.D., 1817
  • Saint Roch. Etching by D.M. Canuti.
  • J.D. Eames. Photograph by M. Boak.
  • J. Camerarius, M.D. Physician at Nuremberg
  • Claude Bernard, physiologist / by J.M.D. Olmsted.
  • Sir Francis E. Fremantle, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.P., D.P.H., M.P.
  • John Snow's M.D. University of London, 1844.
  • Photographs: Sir W.D.M. Paton at the
  • Page 1, Dedicated to William Hunter, M.D.
  • Full length portrait of John Elliotson, M.D.
  • Medical inquiries and observations / By Benjamin Rush, M.D.
  • Francis, J. Allan, M.D., F.R.S.E.
  • Henry Edward Armstrong, D. Hy., M.R.C.S
  • Saint James the Great. Etching by D.M. Canuti.
  • With best wishes for your good health / Dr. M.D. Dennis.
  • With best wishes for your good health / Dr. M.D. Dennis.
  • I, John Knox Stuart, M.D. profess to cure sexual debility, secondary symptoms & all forms of venereal : cure / John Knox Stuart, M.D., surgeon.
  • I, John Knox Stuart, M.D. profess to cure sexual debility, secondary symptoms & all forms of venereal : cure / John Knox Stuart, M.D., surgeon.
  • UCH diploma on behalf of W.H. Ackland M.D
  • Disquisitio anatomica de formato foetu / Authore Gualtero Needham, M.D.
  • The Daily Mirror beauty book / by an eminent M.D.
  • Alexander MacLachlan, M. B., Photo by D. Whyte, Inverness.
  • Isaac Barrow. Line engraving by M. Bernigeroth after D. Loggan.
  • Saint Charles Borromeo receiving a visit from Saint Philip Neri. Engraving by D. Cagnoni after D.M. Fratta.
  • Cases in midwifry / Written by the late Mr. William Giffard ... Revis'd and publish'd by Edward Hody, M.D.